Monday, November 29, 2004

Im bored so i figured i would write out a bunch of things that make me happy:

Cappuccinos, Amelie, Grey and Pink, Good music, Guitars, Emo boys, Looking up at the stars, Rainy days, The first snow fall, My friends, Beaching, Pina colada's, Writing, Getting things for free, Sleeping in, Indie, Shoes, Vintage stores, Being eccentric, Buying cd's, Dolphins, Electronics, Anime, Japan, Mad TV, Catcher in the rye, Cherry coke, Movies, Making mixed cd's for people..............

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Today was the funnest tuesday I have had yet this year. I didnt have to suffer through a double block of english. Instead I saw a presentation by Guen Dier and guess who I sat beside. Brian... Therefor that led to me hanging out with him for the rest of the day basically. I even walked from our socials class to his locker with him because I had a spare and all, so we talked and it was so nice. Tomorrow I'm going to see the Spongebob Squarepants movie with him and he's getting his mohawk tomorrow. I cant wait to see that.

Friday, November 19, 2004

I wonder who the coolest person on the earth is?

Monday, November 15, 2004

Top 5ives!!
(yes thats right, im bored)

- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Amelie
- Donnie Darko
- Lost in Translation
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show

- The Used
- Coheed and Cambria
- Scratching Post
- The New Pornographers
- The Postal Service

- Rich girls, Poor Girls - Everybody Else
- Let go - Frou Frou
- Living Room - Tegan and Sara
- Faker - Everybody Else
- Favor House Atlantic - Coheed and Cambria
this is all what happened during my long yet sadly boring weekend! Wednesday afternoon me and my mom decided we would be cool and scope out all the cool stores downtown. Sadly there arnt too many, and the ones that were kinda cool smelled really strongly of insence so my mom couldnt stay in them very long. She usually went straight outside right after stepping foot in them, so i had to too cause i didnt want to leave my mom alone in the freezing weather. So i didnt get to look very long in those ones. However there was this one store i went into that had the coolest shoes possible on the planet earth. They were 80$ though, so im not sure whether i want to but them with my next paycheck or not because there are also some other cool "emo punk" shoes that i want really bad too. hmmmm

Then thursday and wednesday night i went over to stephans house and watched movies and watched his friends play halo 2........... that was fun. I hate it when guys get all emo though, especially stephan cause he does it ALL the time. I went to go visit mike when i was there because he was all alone on the other couch. So i go and sit on him cause he was lying down and we were both bored because stephan, josh and trevor were all talking about skateboarding. Then he gets all depressed...... *sigh* that was fun..

Friday night i had to work. Then after work i was supposed to go see Napoleon Dynamite with scott. So i call him and his mom says hes not home........ loser. I ended up staying home all night and talking to my friend from vernon. The next day when i call scott he says that he actually was home, his mom just thought he wasnt so he called three times later when i was on the phone.
It depressed me cause i wanted to see it.

Saturday morning brian called to see if i was still going to the show and i said yes i just didnt know any details about it yet, and sadly neither did he. So i worked during the day and he called wendy's to leave me a message saying it was at 9 at the strathcona center. So i go there at 9 and no one is there, so i tell my dad to just leave. I get home and brian calls me to let me know that the show got moved to some random persons house and he didnt know where it was. So we both just stayed at home.

Sunday i had to get up at 5 in the morning to go to work........... that was a long day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

EAK i just had THE most wonderful day in the world! I'll only tell about the most notable parts though. Steph was away in socials, so of course i didnt want to sit by myself. I went to sit over with Andy, Kristen, Amaya and Brian....... and it was fun, but i got no work done. Kristen started talking about a show this weekend, and Andy really wasnt much help. So then after school Brian comes up to me and asks if im going to this show...... i tell him that i have no idea whats going on basically. So then he resorts to asking for my email... i give it to him, then i ask if he also wants my phone number, and i give that to him.

It's always handy to carry a pen with you! Anyways..... i always do this, i always think the newest person i meet is perfect. But so far brian has soooo many good qualities. When he came up to me in the halls, guess what he had. A nightmare before christmas painting that he was working on...... We already talked about how much we love the nightmare before christmas, but he also paints sooooooooooo well!!! Its love...... now i can't wait until saturday, and i sure hope andy gets his act together and puts on a show!

Then after school i went down town and we went shopping. Or at least looking for places where there were decient things to buy. Most of it was too expensive though, but i saw THE coolest shoes that im going to buy soon enough. I love them.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Well now is the time my friend where you get to hear ALL about my wonderful weekend, hour by hour, and let me tell you it was one heck of a time.
Friday night i unfoutunately had to work. And when you have the beginning of an ear infection let me tell you that is possibly the worst thing i could have done! Wendy's is a very noisy place, with sooo many machines beeping, and most of the time, simultaneously.... PLUS i also have to wear a headset cause im usually makeing the orders for drive-thru. Sp that is yet another loud beeping sound, plus people's loud diesel trucks, and them screaming into the ordertaking box, therefor into my infected ear. Lets just say by the end of the night, if i had a gun i would have killed myself due to the fact that my ears were hurting sooooooo bad.
Due to that, i wasnt allowed going out friday night.

Saturday i mainly did absolutely nothing. In the morning my mother took me to the Doctors and he perscribed me some Penicillan that i must take three times a day for a week..... bleh. That means that now im taking about 6 pills a day...... wonderful. I came home after that, and slept for the rest of the day. Only to be woken up by the sound of my grandparents downstairs. I had forgotten it was my dads birthday that night, so needless to say my grandparents were over for a "celebration"
It was good though, we had chinese food and marble cake. During super i tried acting all cheery and as if i were 100% better, but my parents didnt buy it because they said i "looked pale" So when i asked them if i could do something that night my WHOLE family said there was no way i was going out. My grandma gave me this big huge lecture about how "i shouldnt spread my germs because i wouldnt want my friends to all have to go through what im going through" and then my dad gave a lecture about "it'll only make things worse if you go out, because it wont give my body healing time and i wont be good enough to go to school on monday"
So i was stuck at home AGAIN, and it was torture because there was absolutely nothing to do. So i went to sleep again, and forgot to take my pill.

Then this morning, i had a bath, then came the major nosebleed. I thought i was going to die because it was bleeding so much! And then i did my homework, watched skating for the first time this season (always exciting!) and then nothing.........
All i can say, is that i better be allowed to do something tonight or i will be extreamly upset because stephan is going away all next weekend. so that would mean that i wouldnt see him for 2 weeks!!!

Friday, November 05, 2004

I suppose i should do an update, because i am bored and i supposed there are a couple of things to write about. I have been sick for the last 4 days. Luckily i got to miss two days of school, but sadly that isnt the greatest thing when your in grd 12. We got our report cards back today and im doing..... ok. Not good though, just ok. Overall school was actually kinda fun today, probably only cause it's friday and everyone likes to slack off on fridays. Socials was the best, and Brian talked to me a lot today, which is porbably more of a good thing for him. He was the one that liked me all along, and now Kristen is trying to set us up, but isnt working too hard at it. Im starting to like him though, the more i talk to him, which is bad considering what im dealing with. Its getting mentally exhausting, which is probably the reason i am sick at the moment. Tonight at work i was talking to Ron, and apparently word is around that i broke up with Stephan a while ago, so with that considered, guess who decided to ask me to "hang out" with him tonight. Ron. Luckily i excused myself by saying i needed to go to the doctor because of my ear infection. (i really needed to go though because my ear was killing me) But really i needed an excused because i was hanging out with Stephan tonight. BUT NOOOOOOOOO i should have never complained to my parents in the first place, cause now im stuck at home doing absolutely nothing.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

It was fate i tell you, or some outside force that just made me give him my number. I dont think it was mere coincidence that there was a pen on the back table when there never is, plus a taco salad sticker just lying around. And the fact that both me or scott havnt seen Team America yet. And i dont think it was coincidence that we both have wednesday night off......

It feels like no time has passed since then, but thats because i've been literally sleeping since then, yeah about 20 hours of pure sleep. I had a midterm i was supposed to write, but didnt. I cant wait until next week, i only have 2 and a half days of school. And a four day weekend.