Monday, August 30, 2004

Apparently sex hurts about the first 5 times and oral is really not fun at all, hahaha. I'm starting to remember the convo me and my cousin had half way through our sleep, we both started talking to each other in our sleep it was the weirdest thing.

On a differnent note, guess who has a job interview tomorrow morning at 10:30 and is absolutely panicking right now. Thats right ME. AHHHHH

OOOOH last night i had sooooo much fun!! In the after noon, my cousin called me up asking if i wanted to go to Echo Dale and i didn't have anything else to do so i went. Then on the way back James called her saying that he wanted to get drunk and they had to do something that night. So my cousin invited me along over to what we thought was going to be Jame's house for drinks and such. All we did was sit out in the parking lot outside his "mansion" with a bunch of people. We toured Jame's house, and then there were some younger people in the basement that were friends of his brothers or something. And he said that one of the girls that was there, she was barely 14 and doing porn and such. This was in redcliff and these people are hardcore!! Sabrina and me got bored because there was no drinking or anything and thats what we were planning to do and all. So she called up her friend Tasha and we went over to her house to sit in the hot tub for a while. O yes... and guess what i did...... smoked. Just to see what it was like and all. Bad influences i tell you... hahah. It wasn't too bad though. After that we went back to Sabrina's and got drunk and started messaging random people on my msn........ HAHA this is what she wrote to sian:

yoyo this isn't gina its her cousin, and i just wanted
to say QUIT SLEEPIN AROUND WHORE! no i'm sorry i didn't
mean it what i meant was i heard that u were a dirty
slutty bitch that takes away many many helpless guys
because ur easy and well lets face it once guys get
drunk anything looks good to them so hey keep it easy
and umm close ur legs sweet heart i thought i smelt

We got soo incredibly hyper too. And i learned a really fun drinking game...!! I can't wait till im 18, and then all you guys can come here and we can PARTY!!

Saturday, August 28, 2004

hallpasses and books arn't scary..........riiight

I've had a great week. It was the best so far i think. Friday i went to the school for the registration and its really big........ kinda SCARY! I also attempted dropping off a resume at the Cineplex, but picked up an application which i've procrastinaded filling out. (can't wait to see what'll happen during school...) Today i got around to giving one to Bonanza which is my sister favorite restaurant. And tomorrow im gonna e-mail my resume to Value Village because they are also looking for people. In fact the whole city is looking for help. Damnit i WILL get a job by the end of this week, if its the last thing i do!!! Today i went to the mall and guess who i ran into, ASHLEY!!! She didn't remember me at first but then after i told her who i was she was ecstatic and gave me her number and told me to call her to do stuff :D It's too bad she doesn't go to Crescent Heights or else i would totally go to that party in a couple days!!
As for the garage sale, i managed to make a grand total of..... $15! HAHAHAHAH
go garage sales where nobody knows where the hell you live!!! YEA!

Friday, August 27, 2004

OMG............. WHAT did i get myself into..................I'm going to see Kalan Porter tonight. And my sister expects me to make a poster with her........
To Do today:
- Go to school, find classes, blah blah blah
- Fill out application for ciniplex
- Finish reading book
- Try to NOT go on a binging spree
- Mail krystal and ebbie's letters

Then lucky me gets to see Kalan Porter tonight...... woo hoo
School is definately in the air, i can feel it's cold looming presence since thats where iam going right now

WHY WHY WHY!!!!!???

Thursday, August 26, 2004

I swear i'am under a fucking evil evil curse!! I have telepathic abilities though thats for sure. Here's the deal. Tonight i decided to go out to hand out resumes, i went to the ciniplex evan wasn't there so i got an application (grr) then to Bonanza. After all that my dad needed to go to Canadian tire. So I was standing around there waiting for my parents who were being boring and looking at garbage cans. Then i saw this guy from the back, and he got me thinking about cody because he reminded me of him. When he turned around i compleatly realized that it wasn't of course due to the fact that he was old and stuff. But i was still thinking of him, thinking it would be soo funny to see him again. And i started wondering where he worked since he most likely has a job. And then i thought i should ask Sabrina since her friends knew him, and then i could go stalk him in secret. BUT THEN, two minutes later guess who fucking walks by in a canadian tire uniform!!!! CODY!!!! The guy who i was certain i was gonna marry when i was in grade 2 all the way to grade 6... The same guy who asked me to be his partner on a field trip and then held my hand the whole time. And the same guy i sent an e-mail to, after i moved, saying how much i used to like him, with a reply saying that he used to like me too. But stupid me just stood there (most likely LOOKING stupid) in awe, since i havn't seen my once thought true love for seven years. All i can say is................ wow. I wonder if he recognized who i was though....... because im sure he saw my mom (who he used to know) and i looked him straight in the eye....

This was probably a REALLY melodramatic post............... but what can i say..... im sleep deprived and stunned.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I can tell you right now, if none of you hear from me by the middle of september its because i have died....... from stress because of all of my classes. THIS is my timetable: SEM 1: physics 20, social studies, english, Math 30

Sem 2: Chem 30, Bio 30, Physics 30, and Math 31 (aka CALCULUS!!!)
OMG im gonna DIE. this is gonna be the most stressful year of my life...... can't wait. My mom told me that i should just forget about finding a job since ill have no time to even think straight with all my classes let alone take up a job. but too bad... im going to anyways, or else i'll have nothing to look forward to when im all done this mad business.
We're having a garage sale tomorrow, friday and sturday and i have to help out with that too......... fun fun. I hope i just make money, the last two times we've attempted garage sales, its been a bust..... but thats because it happened to be in vernon.

Friday i have to go to the school again and find my classes etc etc. im not thrilled

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Well i suppose there are somethings to blog about, and since i am bored i might as well inform you all ^_^ The other day when i went back to school shopping for shoes, they had this sale, and of course a draw for some door prizes. so i entered. Then as soon as i got home they called me and i won the door prize. I got a sketchers shirt which looks like it should be for a huge man, but is really a "small" :s lol........... and i got a roxy keychain. AND a really really cool orange and purple sparkly sketchbook. And i was gonna start drawing in it, but then krystal called and made my night :) Today i got to go out drivng again too....... it was fun, i didnt crash and according to my dad i did "ok" hahaha....... o man i REALLY hope i get my license in march!!! i need to practice practice practice!!! Then tonight after i got back from driving i went over to my grandma's house, and EVERYBODy was over becasue it was my cousin and my aunts birthday. So that was kinda fun. I also asked evan if he could get me a job at the ciniplex and he said that as soon as i drop off my resume, he'll put it on the top and i'll for sure get an interview next week sometime. :):):) im as happy as a clam (^_^) i just hope everything works out as plan, cause then for sure i will be happy!!!
If only life were as simple as 90's soft rock......................

Friday, August 20, 2004

Im bored now so i thought i might as well update. Not that there is much to update about though. I'm beinging to find myself wanting the school year to start. Im kind of excited.
Today i got shelves in my room, so my room can finally start looking HALF clean. I've seen three people so far that i used to know. My mom friend came over yesterday but didnt bring michelle and christina with her, o well. We're probably going to be going over there in the near future anyways..... o that reminds me. I SAW BRANDON!!!! it was awesome, lol. He still works at future shop. But i dont have a reason to go there for a while because i bought my web cam and staples. hehe
Well tomorrow i get my highspeed internet. I CANT WAIT. And tonight i get to have Tino's!!!! mwhahahaha all of you dont know what your missing!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Note to self: get a job so i can make money and get FAR FAR away from this house, and mother!!!!

I'm reaaaly looking forward to school now. My mother is driving me insane!! literally INSANE. Good thing there are many trails and stuff, so i can take my bike and just escape from this place.
I went to the mall today, for the first time since i've been here. And i saw someone i used to know!!! it was cool. I go up to him though, he was working at EB World. HAHA i still remember when i moved, he gave me his address and told me to write him, but i lost the paper he gave me.... o well.
Tonight i went for an adventure, i biked all the way down in the coulee to where i used to play when i was little. It was neat seeing it again. I passed the big teepee, and they have buffalo there, haha.
O yea, and as far as school goes, im taking 4 science classes!!! 2 of them happen to be physics......... why oh why oh why do i choose to do something complicated with my life. It seems like all the grd 12 science classes are the exact stuff we did in grd 10 though....... and i did mighty well in grd 10 science!!

Monday, August 16, 2004

I ventured home this afternoon. I had a super fun week. Saturday me and Cindy went to the zoo and saw all the animals, and some people who looked like they should be caged too..... haha. Saturday night was their party!!! My total tally for the night was: 5 or more pina colada's (lost count), a daquiri, magarita and gin soakedwatermelon and damn! some of that was REALLY strong!! i was what you would call "tipsy" thats for sure. Or a "sober drunk" like charles put it. He was cool, he was one of jamie's friends. I also got to meet Damion who was old, divorced and hitting on me........... good times. Jamie was being funny too, he made me all my drinks, and when i was on the computer he picked me up, and then dropped me....... loser.
Sunday we went rafting. And when i say "we" i mean me, cindy, jamie, charles, carly(jamies girlfriend), brent (roommate), and wendy (some girl brent hooked up with who was suuuper annoying) It was relaxing. The bow river goes right through calgary, so we got cool city scenery.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Today i hit the mall and it was SOO much fun. Well first i got up at around 11:30 or so. I thought it was more like 1 but the clock in the "dungeon" is wrong. I slept with snakes last night, it was great. I heard them slithering around too. So at around 2 when my cousin woke up we went to the mall. i forget the name of the mall but it was HUGE and they had all the coolest stores. After about 2 hours of shopping i managed to blow mostly all of my money.... i bought a sweater, jeans, a jacket sweater thing, a tank top, a t shirt and a watch!!! all that for mostly under $100. I'm in looove with my watch too. It took me about 2o minutes to decide which one to get too. Then when we got home we surprised my other cousin by me being here. Then had supper, and his girlfriend came over. I got to drink!!! My uncle before we left his house on tuesday night, told my cousin to get me plastered this saturday when they are having thier party, haha. We'll see about that....
We all watched Eurotrip after supper was over and now im on here... and going to bed soon enough.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hey ya'll guess where i am. No, its not medicine hat and no its not my new house mwhahaha. I'm in calgary practically by myself, well at least i am right now due to the fact that my cousin is now having a nap. Last night i went over to my aunt and uncles house for dinner and i mentioned how i wanted to go to calgary to go back to school shopping. So my cousin (who lives in calgary) said i could come with her today because she just has to work tonight and then she gets four days off so then she can take me shopping with her!! Its gonna be great. And on the way here which was a long and boring three hour drive she said we can go to the zoo too, and floating down the river since she wants to buy a raft some time this week too. Her town house is really nice, especially for what she said she was paying for it.
It's gonna be kinda wierd tonight when her roomates show up and find me here though........... two of them are my cousins and then there's Brett who i've never met before. But i havn't seen my other cousin for a really long time either....
O and apparently they're supposed to be having a party on saturday, hehe. Or so my aunt told me last night. That should be fun. I just can't wait to go to IKEA!!!!

My new house is great. It's almost like lorel's house, but newer and different colors. I almost had a mental breakdown though when trying to decide how i should decorate my room. It's WAAAY smaller than my other one, which is not so good. I had to put a lot of my stuff downstairs in storage due to the fact that i have no room and also my dad threw out one of my stands and i no longer have a dresser either..... grr i need new furniture!! There are lots of walking trails behind my house, that lead all over the place..... I went out venturing the other day and almost got lost. I went to the Mac store yesterday too, which is near my grandma's house and its quite a ways away therefor i now have a major blister on my heel.
well i have an ikea catalog and calgary phone book just calling my name......... so i'll post again later

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Today i decided to go to the mall. I went with ebbie. I made my mom give me money to buy the jacket i was looking at, and i got it. I first went to bluenotes, then we went over to bootlegger and i got attacked by a really queer sales guy. He came over to us, started telling us about sales and blah blah blah. Then he starting picking out shirts for me, saying that it would go great with my hair and everything, which he loved..... Then i told him i wanted a jacket thing and he showed me to some. And told me all about how they flatter everyone, because of the detailed front and how the collar on it would work well with me and everything..... I eventually tried it on, and anouther really funky pink sleeved one. He just wouldnt leave us alone though, it was quite funny. I put one on hold though, but didnt end up getting it. I went back to bluenotes, and ebbie made they guy undress the maniquin so i could have the jacket. We were also gonna go beaching, but due to not co-operating weather, we decided not to. We might have been hit by lightening when we were in the water, that wouldn't have been all that much fun mostly because of the dieing part. Tomorrow...... and then friday and thats it *sigh* i dont know what im going to be doing with myself. Hopefully tomorrow evening goes well, because i sure as hell know that friday wont............... if you never hear from me again..... it was because i decided to hang myself, or something along the lines!!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I need ideas on what i should be doing this next week. I dont just want to sit at home and do nothing.
Yesterday I went to the beach for a long time. Then came home, krystal came over and so did ebbie and we watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show!! We tried looking for the moon in my backyard but it was useless, but we saw it on ebbies tramp. And you honestly have the best view in the entire world. lol. Then from ebbies house i was shipped off to guillaumes house for his last last party, which didn't turn out as well as the last one thats for sure.
I went to the mall today, and saw Anjulie!!!!! with dempsey! And every time i see him im always reminded of how he got to go to Japan :( My new school is soo lame, they only have a beginning course to japanese. Therefor i could go into that and be smarter than all the people there plus get a really high mark, mwhahaha, but why waste my time? I also bought a necklace from Ricki's. I can't wait to go school shopping. Im gonna make my dad take us to calgary when he gets a weekend off! haha! I went to the beach again too, which was fun except for the fact that Jill was a half an hour late.