Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Today has been a good day. I will be starting off the new year with nice hair at least. I had a really long shower this morning and now my hair is nice and not frizzy. All day ive just been laying around and watching movies. Im watching The Ring right now, Adam Brody is in it mwhahahaha it has to be my favorite scary movie of all time!!! I want to see the japanese version of it. Birthday idea........ Tonight we are going out to Kelly O'Bryans for dinner. Which remindes me, i need a gym membership, lucky krystal already has one. Whenever i ask my parents if i can get one they ALWAYS say,"go run around outside,its cheaper."

New Years Resolutions:
-Lose 10-20 pounds
-Go somewhere nice
-Get a boyfriend haha ha HA
-learn something new
-stop worrying so much

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Today i went shopping with ebbster, we saw Danielle at the mall today and talked to her for a bit, it was fun. I bought a shirt and pants and hair dye, mwhahahaha Now i actually have somewhat plans for tomorrow night, can't wait. It'll at least be better than watching a movie like i did last year and the year before. I need to work on my sketchbook somemore. Theres only a month left and i'm only half way done. Man, i suck.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Guess who's birthday it is today!!!????? Gutterboy's. So whatever you do, DO NOT do any celebrating of any sort, or i may have to kill you!!!!!
For my birthday, i want a pet cactus!!!!
I think im gonna cut my hair really really really short again, like it was when i first got it cut last year. I just came up with this though, im not to sure if im gonna go through with it or not.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

I have a question, why on earth are they having yet another American Idol. Seriously that show really sucks. I admit i did like the first one, but thats only because they had the slightest amount of talent. The next one was crappy. They went through all the talent in the first one and were left with crap for the second one. Kelly Clarkson is a great singer, they actually found some kind of singing talent with her. But clay aiken and Ruben are really lacking. It would be better if they wrote they're own music or had some kind of musical talent instead of "they can sing." anyone can sing. Clay Aikens new song is really lame, he didn't even win and he has a cd out. Nobodys heard anything more of Justin Guarini. That show is pointless. Now with a third one i can just imagine who will win that one......... For anyone who watched World Idol, i hope the guy from Norway who sounds like Bono wins, i like him. He looks like a hobbit.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

My perfect guy:
-he'll haveblonde or black hair
-he'll be very funny and cute
-he'll be random, but not in a chantelle emery way, more like a ryan way
-he'll like the same music as i do
-he MUST like mortal kombat
-he'll have a hobby, but doesn't care ONLY about it
-he'll like going to dances, because he thinks they are fun
-he'll sing to me, even if he might suck
-he'll enjoy going to poker nights with me, krystal and her perfect man, and ebbie if she would like to join
-he'll like shopping in novelty stores
-he would ditch his friends to be with me
-he'll watch amelie with me at least once
-he'll have loser radar!!!!!!!
-he wont think im a loser for liking Mariah Carey
-he'll be able to tell me how he feels
I now have a total of 4 dvd's!!! we went shopping today and got soem for cheap at Rogers video. I also went to the mall, i only bought pants though and i still have $70 burning a hole in my pocket. i need to spend it!! However we need to decide or find out what "others" are doing for new years........... we should have a movie nigth soon

Friday, December 26, 2003

Ahh boxing day madness........ so after i told my parents no later than 11 are we leaving the house, when do we leave...?? around 12. So we went to kelowna and o my goodness it was mad. you could barely even walk. so basically by the time we got there, all the good stuff was already gone. I did manage to get a shirt though, it wasn't on sale, possibly why it was still there. We finally got a dvd player today though, after looking all over kelowna, we came back to vernon and got one from future shop. And i got to watch charlies angels again tonight :) tomorrow we are going shopping again heheh see what kind of good stuff we can find in vernon.......

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Santa clause brought me a lamp and its super cool. Along with $50, hehehehe. last night i also got pajamas, a hat, calendar, art set and a shirt. it sooooo nice. boxing day shopping tomorrow though will be mad. hopefully though we get to go to kelowna and shop there since they have an AE and since they are expensive it would be best if i shop there on boxing day!!! if we get a dvd player here though we have no need to go to kelowna which kinda sucks. o well just as long as i get pants i will be happy.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

I love Christmas, I love Christmas, lalalalalala Well.... last night i slept over at ebbies house and had a gay ol'time we watched Charlies Angels and *whimper* Gone with the wind. Lets just say i enjoyed gone with the wind, but it was SO long!!!!! Good story though i must admit. no chuck calling happened though. Then when i got home i did nothing but veg and have a bath until my parents came home. So we went out for supper to The Pantry. And yes we are a little weird and we opened our presents tonight, i got so much cool stuff. In fact i'm listening to Fefe Dobson right now. I got her Cd. Along with earphones which im also using. Hmm i wonder what santa got me...... I got a gift card from my cousin, so that means super boxing day shopping!!! hehehe
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I slept over at kylies last night......... now iam home. i didn't feel like going shopping with them and i had already seen the lotr so i came home. Tonight however i am possibly going over to ebbies to have a movie night before christmas so i can watch my charlies angels.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

I want to know what my cousin got me for christmas, and my aunt. grr i want to open them all right now. tomorrow i also get to see Lotr, i cant wait.
AHH first day off if school and all i did was sit around and do nothing i'm so proud of myself!! Well i did go to the super store so really i didn't do absolutely nothing. Guess who i saw today, my future husband, who was with his family,lol. It was Mr.Bertram, he was at the super store. We bought Herring mmmmmmm. O and also this morning i kinda was a loser and opened some of my presents to see what they were and then very sneakily taped them all back together and lets just say, Merry Christmas!!!! Tomorrow i get to go last minute shopping with my dad for my mom. I'm not allowed to spend the $50 i got from my grandma though because i have to wait until boxing day so i'll get "twice as much stuff because it'll be all half price" But the thing with that is, i'll have to kill forty times as many people to get what i want and then wait in line for 6 hours trying to try it on and then pay for it. We get to go to kelowna on boxing day too, that will be even more fun since there are twice as many people there than here. It won't be fun.

Friday, December 19, 2003

Today i felt so special getting presents from everyone, i even got one from Kathy!! I got the Love Actually soundtrack from her, hehehe i LOVE that movie. In fact i think its my new favorite movie. AND i got "Lassie" aka Charlies Angels from krystal and a really cool photo album from ebbie along with chocolates. Today was so much fun. Although we did get ripped off of the Grinch, we only got to watch the last 5 minutes of it. Watching Winston hump Thomas SO was not worth losing the grinch, even if it was rather amusing, HIGHLY amusing. Today in Chemistry we got to do glass bending, for bonus marks we had to make a Z/N and krystal was the best at it i must say.......... then in Japanese Mr. Yamaoka was rather kind, kinder than usual which almost made me wonder!? We got to watch Finding Nemo.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

EAK Christmas feels like its here!! last day of school tomorrow i really can't wait it's gonna be so much fun!!! I went to the mall after school today to get a couple of things and get sisters hair cut. the bus was soo full from people from our school. And the guys that were behind me and my sister, well besides the fact that they were hot, they were talking about medicine hat. that automatically makes them cool. I cant wait to give people they're gift tomorrow. All my presents are now under the tree since dad came back today, hes here until he find another job. 6 more days!!!!!! I got this really big heavy one from my grandma and my dad said that its expensive and i'll never guess what it is.........ooooooooo i hate this!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!! Guess who was at the school today!!! MR Robb, aka Fishbait, oooooooo and hes soooo much gorgeouser now that hes been away for 6 months. It was sooo good to see him again, i can't believe he came back for a visit. He bought new clothes too, better than the jeans he had before, BAD memories!! anyways instead of watching the SPAM sculptures today in the gym i just sat in there watching him, with the odd glance of kenny of course. O it was just such a perfect day. Now if only we could skip tomorrow and move right along to friday and the weekend!
hehehe the diagram needs reaquasting still, i forgot one thing!!! im at school and we have relaxation time on a wednesday this week because we dont have class on friday because of the grinch. I can't wait to see that again this year. I want to give people they're presents, and i want my presents............. i want friday to come because i dont like school. I got Jelly Belly's from Jen yesterday and they were really good, of course i didn't eat them all yet, i brought them to school again today so i can eat somemore. YAY krystal got her N today, we need to hold a celebration!!! Hehehe she can drive me home now mwahahaha yesterday my mother was being really mean to me. I didn't share my fudge with her, so she called me selfish and said she hopes i gain 20 pounds, grrrrrrrr I dont want to go to school tomorrow, two japanese tests, i think im gonna die!!! But in order to relieve my stress i get to paint next block.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I got rather bored
The new Spider man movie is coming out in July, i can't wait. Heres the new Trailer

Monday, December 15, 2003

i think im going slighly mad!!!!!!! AND my tumor has grown 8 cetimeters, pretty soon it'll start to pop out of my head, then i will be labeled a freak, or more of for that matter. So then my tumor will just grow more, i do say this is a very vicious circle. You can all tell that ive had a very stressful day. NOT all i did today was sing and hum and run around jumping off walls and eat fudge, which was the cause of all this!! Kylie gave us our christmas presents early so we all ate the fudge and chocolate she gave us all day. I was sooo hyper. I cant wait, i cant wait only 4 more days until christmas vacation. I bougth alekes a secret santa today too, i have to buy my sister one tomorrow and maybe other people..... hehehehe i should give one to kenny and sign it georgie, he'll never know its from me! The chem test we had the other day, well we got our results back and lets just say i didn't do as well as hoped. but o well it's soon to be christmas and im too hyper to worry about my marks.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Doesn't it just suck when you have those perfect moments in your life and then all of a sudden without even realizing how fast the time is going, they are gone. Everything just goes perfect for a minute or even a day then a day later they will never be like that again, EVER. I would give anything to have some moments back. Sometimes you dont even realize they are perfect until after they are over with, then you want to rewind the time. you want to be back where you were, what you were doing or listenin to, because it will never be the same again. It kinda sucks how you can never reclaim that moment.
I bought everyones christmas presents today, well the rest i had to but for anyways. So now i'am officially done. It's a good thing too since we are all exchanging them this friday, oooooo i cant wait, i can't wait. The last day of school only 5 days away!!!!!!!!!!ahhh i love christmas!!!!! I want to go to medicine hat though... o well, next time. Even though I spent a month there this summer i still havn't had enough of it, or my grandma for that matter, lol.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Our christmas cookies and possibly a crafts day today was great, although we didn't make a craft. We made sugar cookies and nobody has eaten krystals elephant family yet, lol. Santa looked like osama bin laden though, so we ate him, he was also chuck. Then we went to the movies, krystal was dieing the whole time though. her and her poor eyes.... maybe its's from looking at chuck so much. I must say though that gothika is the creepiest movie i have seen this year, its soo scary. 14A hahaha yea right. Love Actually was really good, i've already decided that i'm buying it when it comes out on dvd. And looney Tunes was only ok, it was decent to only watch once.

Friday, December 12, 2003

I cant wait until tomorrow, it's our Christmas cookies and possibly a crafts day. we're also gonna be writing our letters to santa.... ahhhh i love christmas. It seems today that my tumor is back. Krystal is the cause of it, lol..................... but shes not the only reason i'm dieing!!! I have a HUGE test next in chemistry, i dont want to go, but the thing is i only half know what i'm doing.

Make tea not love, hahhahaha

Thursday, December 11, 2003

The dance last night was a lot of fun. There wasnt many people there though which kinda sucked. Mwhahahahah guess who danced with pretty's brother aka conrad TWICE, yes all that is right, it was me, i danced with him twice. The first time i asked him and then 2 songs later he asked me, it was soo much fun. But he did swear a lot which kinda got annoying. Anyways todays friday, but there wont be any subway and a movie today. But i do get relaxation time. on thursday after school we went to art knapp and we went to go get our tree. the only reason i like that place is becasue its so christmasy and it had free hot apple cider. then we came home and decorated it, there is only 18 more days until christmas. Its 6 o clock right now, i decided to get up early to watch michelle branch on the todays show. so i must go watch it..

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Well so much for going and cutting down a tree this year, talk about depressing!!! Since my sister has a band concert tonight that we all MUST attend, we dont have time to go out to cut down the tree. My computers broken again, its a good thing it didn't die a while ago though, since my dad is here again and he can fix it. Today the CC was being extreamly annoying during art, im suprised i actually didn't kill her this weekend!! During lunch today all krystal, jen and I did was sit in this computer class to make up 0's we missed when we were away or sick or something. O well christmas cookies will make my day all better again, AND HEHEH i live on the non loser side of the mountain!!!!

Monday, December 08, 2003

I'm back, as it is apparent to all of you. So now i will tell you all about my weekend in surrey. We were supposed to leave right at lunch 11, we ended up leaving at 2. So we got there at about 6 or 7. Then Ben was playing at a bar aka "lounge" and Josh was going to be there also, so we went. We sat with all of Josh's relatives and it was really fun. Josh's grandpa was drunk and so were a bunch of people who were really entertaining to watch dancing. We got back and watched the Avengers. Saturday was all went to Guildford mall for a while until the movie was going to start, then we walked over to the silvercity. Then since no one could pick us up after the movie we went back to the mall for a bit. Saturday night me and kylie went to watch Ben play hockey and i got to kinda meet Berend, my life is now complete. Then On Sunday we left at 12 after church. It was a fun weekend. There was a small problem though i like him too much. I was too nervous to just be myself.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

This is a rant. Don't you just hate those people who think they know EVERYTHING. Like the way you are, they reason you do things, the reason you are the way you are. Uh i have news for you YOU DONT!!!!!!!! you have no idea why i do the things i do, so don't even bother trying to understand. They frickin piss me off SOOO incredibly much, because you think YOU would know why things are the way they are with you. But then when you say something or whatever, they don't believe you, cause THEY'RE RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG! sometimes you can't even tell people why or why not. You shouldn't even have to, people have things they would like to keep to themselves, they don't have to tell you EVERYTHING, just because you frickin want to know. People should just mind they're own business, but no unfourtunatley they don't. Instead they want to make your life miserable. Lets just say i wish more than anything that things could go back to how they were last year. I liked LAST december A WHOLE BUNCH more!!!!!!! I think i better go drink water.......

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ahhh its december....... Thats means that chrsitmas is coming!!!!!! Yesterday i opened the first chocolate of my advent calendar, it was quite sad to be honest. Anyways yesterday i got to use the pottery wheel in art and i must say that i'am a pro. hahah not, but i did manage to make a vase or bowl or something, its kinda warped whatever it is.

Sunday, November 30, 2003

O and also i think i'm dying, my head all of a sudden randomly starts to hurt like it's gonna explode, i think i might have a head tumor or something. My mother doesn't believe me though. O well once i die she will be sorry........
Yesterday i saw Mystic River, Brother Bear and Kill Bill. Kill Bill was really good, i can't wait until the other Volumes come out!! We really shouldn't have seen it though since we were "juniors" ahhh he was cute. So we were paranoid that the cute guy would kick us out of the movies, so we kinda sank low in our seats. This morning i watched figure skating, after waiting all year i finally got my chance to see Alexei Yagudin for the first time since figure skating season started. And man does that boy have grace and talent!!! i love him! Then we went out to shop and supposedly go to the library, but we never got my books. But i did get pretty wrapping paper to wrap presents in, guess what i'll be doing tomorrow. I kinda don't want christmas to come though, cause then it will be over.

Friday, November 28, 2003

Today was a fun friday. Chem just dragged on for what seemed like ALL eternity, i could have sworn i would have been around 50 by the time that class was over... Spam at lunch too, but it didn't last long enough for me wanting to shoot myself or anything. Computers was awesome though jen and anjulie and I were filling in random words on a website to make a story, and we came up with some pretty darn funny stories!!!!!!!!!! Tonight i'm going to the lightup for a litte while and then christmas shopping, but thats only if i make supper!!!! so guess what im going to do.....

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

This morning, well to be honest its happened like all week. I ran into my dresser as i was getting up to go have breakfast and then this morning i ran into it and then almost knocked myself out with the stupid wall thats like in the middle of nowhere in my room. I swear that wall has NO purpose, except trying to make me run into it, and this morning it was sucessful. I wonder if i have bruses now...... I've been kinda really dazey lately, i blame it on my stupid cold that doens't let me stop coughing. Why must cough medicine be So nasty!!?? Today i had to write my japanese test, besically the whole time i was in the little room by myself i daydreamed, did my test and then daydreamed some more. It was quite fun and i got the test done right on time too. During the test though i could have sworn it was almost time for me to go home, it felt like the end of the day. But it wasn't even lunch, i almost wanted to cry. My cat broke my earphones, he chewed them right into two. Now i can't listen to music on my comuter, becasue every body wants to be in here watching tv and they dont want "distractions" guess what i'll be asking for for christmas.
Where exactly did the pep rally and awards assmebly go, they just all of a sudden decided they wern't gonna happen. We took back the couch today since it was horrified before. but now we have it, so the couch in the room beside the french room is all ours!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2003

Well im still at home, i've had a four day sick break. NO weekend!!! My mother really wasn't all that happy with me this morning when i told her i can't go to school. She thinks i already missed enough school this month. And due to all the sleep i've been getting over the weekend, i had a total of 1/2 hour of sleep last night, i'm not joking!!! So i just lyed in bed singing Christmas Carols in my head. I think i sang the 12 days of christmas at least five times to myself. And i sang let it snow, and it did:)!!!!! I'm glad when it snows and i don't have to walk home in it. hehehe The other day when my aunt and cousin came over, my aunt brought a present for Amanda and me from my cousins in medicine hat. So this morning guess what i did........ Since my mother just left them out on the coffee table, she was just asking that take a peak at what it was. I'm not gonna tell you all what it is, but i absolutley looove it!! In the back of my mind i've always wanted one, and now hehehe i have one. I can't wait until christmas!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2003

I guess fevers are contagious. This morning i had a temperature of 101. And now we're having company over, JUST what i need!!!! Hopefully i get better soon because this really does suck.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Slip Ups in the movies
Well i stayed home all day becasue i was sick, much fun that was. I wanted to go to kelowna tonight too, but we didn't. Not only am i totally sick, i feel depressed too, i don't know why. It's kinda that feeling you get when you are so sleep deprived you just want to die. But i don't see why i'm like that, i slept ALL day, with the exception of Spongebob, and Hamtaro at noon. Hopefully i will be better soon, i missed relaxation time again today, grrrrr!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

36 more days until christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait, I can't wait
Well i had a rather INTERESTING day.............. after lunch I went to the performing art center to see fire, and it was awesome. It was a wonderful way to miss art and japanese. Yes, even art, i'm beginning to not like that class............ On the way there we sat in the back of the bus and we had to sit with sissy and 'the monster' and the rest of the grd 8's who kept bugging us. But O DEAR at the play, well after really krystal and I saw people we really didn't want to see anymore since last year!!!!! like durgess and dustin, scary scary times. So we kinda hid.... in our seats. Luckily there was no Jessica Ledrew or i would have just RAN out of there faster than a speeding bullet, with krystal dragging along behind. Then i came home, no ride though, and i watched Arthur.

I'm Addicted to you, don't you know that your Toxic......................

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Kenny stepped on me this morning, i usually do not like being stepped on but since it's kenny i suppose i can make an exception.... tomorrow i get to miss japanese and art YAY!!!!! i get to go see some kind of play thing at the performing arts theatre, ahhhhh can't wait. It snowed today, hhehehee i'm so happy!! Just that much closer to feeling like christmas.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Today in japanese it was evil!!! ok i got momoko's paper and she got mine to mark, well I was nice, i gave her marks when she really didn't deserve them but do you think she did!???? NO! she made sure if i had one stupid little think wrong like lines unattached, i wouldn't get a mark, grrrrr so i ended up only getting 18.5/30!!!!! Plus we also have a lot of homework in that class for wednesday too, great......

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Chops"
because that was the name of his dog
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and a gold star

And his mother hung it on the kitchen door
and read it to his aunts
That was the year that Father Tracy
took all the kids to the zoo
And he let them sing on the bus
And his little sister was born
with tiny toenails and no hair
And his mother and father kissed a lot
And the girl around the corner sent him a
valentine signed with a row of X's
and he had to ask his father what the X's meant
And his father always tucked him in bed at night
And was always there to do it

Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines
he wrote a poem
And he called it "Autumn"
because that wsa the name of the season
And that's what it was all about
And his teacher gave him an A
and asked him to write more clearly
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because of its new paint
And the kids told him
that Father Tracy smoked cigars
And left butts on the pews
And sometimes they would burn holes
That was the year his sister got glasses
with thick lenses and black frames
And the girl around the corner laughed when he asked her to go see Santa Claus
And the kids told him why
his mother and father kissed a lot
And his father never tucked him in bed at night
And his father got mad when he cried for him to do it.

Once on a paper torn from his notebook
he wrote a poem

And he called it "Innocence: A Question"
because that was the question about his girl
And that's what it was all about
And his professor gave him an A
and a strange steady look
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door because he never showed her
That was the year that Father Tracy died
And he forgot how the end of the Apostle's Creed went
And he caught his sister making out on the back porch
And his mother and father never kissed or even talked
And the girl around the corner wore too much makeup That made him cough when he kissed her but he kissed her anyway because that was the thing to do
And at three A.M. he tucked himself into bed
his father snoring soundly

That's why on the back of a brown paper bag
he tried another poem
And he called it "Absolutely Nothing"
Because that's what it was really all about
And he gave himself an A
and a slash on each damned wrist
And he hung it on the bathroom door
because this time he didn't think
he could reach the kitchen.
I found pretty's brothers profile

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Today i went to the mall with krystal and ebbie, we had fun.......... and Marharharharhar we bought the BEST present for someone special...!!!! AND did you all know that there is now a coldplay DVD, of them live, i'm no to sure where, but i MUST buy it. it is calling out to me "buy me, buy me" But the thing is, i don't know if i want that more than The Secret Garden DVD since i love that movie. I could however, "borrow" that movie from my grandma since i'm sure she doesn't watch it every single day...... hmm i think thats what i'm going to do, so i need to e-mail my dad!!!! I also re-did my profile on msn, and i'am quite fond of my favorie quote, i think it suits everybody's life, ESPECIALLY mine!!

Friday, November 14, 2003

You really know your cool when your friday nights consist of playing with the cat and making cookies. yea thats what i did tonight. I was at home sick all day, it kinda sucked but hey, it was better than being at school!!! AND i might have to work tomorrow, but if i don't then i think i'm gonna go to the mall again!

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Well i'm over the drama trip now, i suppose it takes a couple of days, but now it's basically over anyways and as explained before by krystal, i'm $130 richer. Not that i actually have that monet to spend though because it wasn't mine to begin with. During Chemistry today i went home during break, i felt incredibly sick, i still kinda do, it came back. I had a fine time shopping today, and now i know what i'm getting krystal for christmas. I don't know what i'm getting everyone else though. arg, i really wanted to go to medicine hat for christmas, in fact, no i think i would much rather be somewhere else, like hawaii, somewhere forgein so i know NOBODY, so they won't talk to me, and ask me stupid questions like they ALWAYS do!!!!! I don't want to stay in VERNON either!!!!!.......

Wednesday, November 12, 2003


A French teacher was explaining to her college class that French, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. House is feminine "la maison". Pencil is masculine "le crayon". A student asked, "What gender is computer?" Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups - male and female - and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer should be masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for their recommendation. The men's group decided that computer should definitely be the feminine gender (la computer) because:

(1) No one but their creator understands their internal logic. (2) The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else. (3) Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible review later; and (4) As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.

The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine (le computer) because:

(1) In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on. (2) They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves. (3) They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and (4) As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

The women won.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Quite an Interesting Read: Crazy Thoughts
I had to work today, working on your day off of school is not fun, especially when you are extreamly sleep deprived from not going to bed all week until like 12:30.....everyday. Don't know why though, i blame it on mild insomnia. So i didn't do much today, except work, i brought my homework to the store though, MULTI TASKING!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 09, 2003

I went to see School Of Rock again this weekend, it was superb!!!!

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Guess who gets to go Chistmas shopping tomorrow....... if you guessed me, you are correct *ding ding ding ding ding* YAY!!!! so pretty much the only people i need to shop for are my cousin and my mother needs to get stuff for my uncle. Hopefully my mother will be feeling rather generous tomorrow and buy me pants!!! :) I know i'm starting my christmas shopping a little early, but i can't wait, i can't wait (get it, get it!!)

P.S. ya, you do..................

Thursday, November 06, 2003


Friday Five (even though its not quite friday)

1. What food do you like that most people hate?
- toast

2. What food do you hate that most people love?
- bowling balls

3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
- Ronald Mcdonald

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find
- Richard Simmons

5. What popular trend baffles you?

Spaghetti and all that applies...

Spaghetti and all that applies....
Christmas is sneaking up like a toaster, come to think of it. Something else that is coming up soon MY CHEMISTRY TEST, yea that happens to be tomorrow and i'm starting to think that i'm going to fail, ahhhh nothing like old fashion last minute studying tomorrow right before class. Today was fun though, if you don't count chem that is. In japanese we made paper cranes and then watched castle in the sky some more. ahhh then i had the wonderful art club after school. I didn't go to the Matrix tonight though, because Kathy would't let me, but it's ok, i would've only felt like a third wheel anyway, lol. I have not new news to share with you all, rocky must be the dumbest thing on the planet earth, no matter how many times you have to kick it and say no, he just does not learn!!! o well..... some day he'll turn fat and gay like boots, it's only a matter of time.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Ok guys this is my plan.... i'm gonna grab someone tie them up and leave them scraps of food on the floor, and then i can go on the drama trip in their place!!! I'm thinking that ebbie would be the easiest to tie up mwahahaha OR i will kidnapp the center of gravity's dog and hold him for ransom, it will be a fair trade, me going on the drama trip for his dog.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

It feels like i've been shot three time and then kicked, literally, i have a headache worse than the worst................
Ugh i think my loser radar went into overdrive today, because i was easily annoyed. we didn't go on the trip to the art gallery eather because someone sceduled the bus for the morning, when our class is in the afternoon. So i had to go to the senior buddy meeting thing and well...., i suppose it was better than being in class.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Hello all........ i have a bunch of homework to do, but i'm not gonna do it. Tomorrow we have a senior buddy meeting but i don't have to go to it because i will be away, gallavating at the art gallery and then the musem. I think the time i went to the art gallery and museum in grd 2 will be better than going tomorrow........ I had a very productive day in art today, since i actually got the pagoda to look somewhat straight, hehehe since it definatly wasn't gay har har har, i got that one from Levi. So besides that i had a pretty low key day. However yesterday, we watched The Ring and i taped it so now i can watch it whenever i want to, yay!!!! And as for all the candy i got from Halloween, its basically all gone already, but in my own defence (I"M NOT A PIG) my parents ate some and we really didn't get all that much in the first place.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Yesterday the whole day was just so much fun. I came to school in costume. So did Krystal and heaven forbid she didn't tell the whole world who she was, even when we went trick or treating. JACKIE KENNEDY!!!!! we all went over to ebbies at about 5 or 6 really and then went trick or treating, it was super fun. Kylie came with us to.We watched the fireworks on the side of the hill. Then we watched The Shining and it was not scary at all, in fact it was quite enjoyable. *prance**prance* "i'm coming to kill you......" hehe Ebbie fell asleep half way through the movie like the loser that she is!!! and then we started watching Dangerous lives of Alter boys, but we were all way too tired, so we went to bed. Then today we ate candy at 10 in the morning, sadly enough it wasn't all gone the previous night because of me. Then me and ebbie went down to the football game with Jackie loser Kennedy. And let me tell you it was very full of pretty boys to look at, that was fun. After coming back here i went out for supper, sadly not to the Keg though.

Friday, October 31, 2003

The dance last night was sooo much fun. I got to borrow Kathy's skirt and top and it was soo purrrdy!!! My sister won't speak to me now, i think it has something to do with me dancing with Mitchell, she can be so funny sometimes!!!! Today is gonna be sooo much fun though, i'm gonna dres up for school and then after school (hehe i get a ride cause Dad's coming back today agian) i'm gonna go to ebbies and trick or treat, eventhough last year i said i wasn't gonna do it this year, o well, lol. Why say no to candy!? Then we are gonna watch Dracula dead and loving it...... hopefully

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

The E-fair was on today and yesterday, and honestly, my mother shouldn't have given me $10, can we say thats just a way for me to get fat fast!!!! i had a banana split yesterday and a sundae today. It needs to be stopped!!! Yesterday in computers, basically all we did was play lemonade tycoon hehehe it was great. Today however we had to start our business thing, and our group is best in the class, heck ya!!! hehe (get it, get it!?) Our name is RockyTec Inc. School has been fun this year (so far) but not as fun as last year. I still don't know what we are doing for halloween yet, grr i'm almost ready to just not do anything. But we definatley should go over to ebbie's house and watch Dracula dead and loving it, mwhahaha and then maybe The Shining too......

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

mwahahaha i have my wonderful internet back and it's like a breath of fresh air........... i don't want to move!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2003

ok so for the rest of the weekend, we all tried our hardest to live without the internet...... and my dad tried and tried and tried to fix it. It was at the shop 2 times, now the computer itself is fixed, but the internet doesn't work. Hopefully mother gets the cable and it works and all is well and happy again, that is we don't decide for sure to move next year, my life sucks!!!!! On thursday we went out for supper to Pizza Hut, because i needed it, i only seem to go to Pizza Hut when i'm stressed, eating pizza just somehow destresses a person. I also bought a bracelet from the SAAN and it's very pretty, i was gonna buy it this summer but i didn't and now, it was $5 cheaper!!! I had friday off so i had to work. I also had to work yesterday and it was not fun at all, i don't like working. Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch to get a pumkin (obviously) and blah diddy blah blah blah, i hate going to the stupid pumpkin patch every year it extreamly boring. I also got my hair cut, and my ear almost literally got talked off by tina because she is soooooooooooo extreamly annoying because she talks the whole freakin time.
It's been 15 days since i've last been on the internet at my house, and honestly that is the only thing to do at my house!!!!!! OK, so i've had a REALLY REALLY REALLY embarrasing weekend!!! FRIDAY i had to work then after work AMANDA wanted to go to the movies and dad was on the phone so he couldn"t drive her so mother did I however inoccently enough decided to go along for the ride IN MY PAJAMAS!!!!! therefor when amandas friends sisters wern't allowed in, my mother had to go with them. didn't feel like leaving me in the car SO I HAD TO GO TO THE MOVIES IN MY PAJAMAS!!!!!!! Not only did i compleatly feel like a loser, hanging out with grade 8's , KENNY WAS THERE. ALONG WITH EVERY GUY IN MY GRADE AND HALF THE FRICKIN SCHOOL!!!!! The one time i see kenny at the movies EVER is when i happen to be wearing my pajamas. ok more later about my weekend, i'm still trying to forget what happened, it was horrible

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Wow, can we say, jacques got really nice looking over the summer. He came to school today, from quest and now he is quite Hot!!!!! Thats all thats really new, i get a ride today hopefully, if dad comes quite early....... then YAY he can fix the computer, or just hand it off to simon, who better fix it, or else i'll have to go over there and beat someone or something!!!!!!! Guess how bright i am....... actually, you all know so don't answer.... hahaha anyways i left my japanese binder at home this morning and thats the only thing we have, since we learn from worksheets and not a text book or anything, and so did krystal, so guess what i have to do at lunch. I have to walk all the way home in the rain and get my stupid binder, can't wait........ I have to work on friday and mother made a hair appointment for me on saturday, with tina.......... anyone wanna come, lol???

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

O and i also might move to Kitimat, yay me........
AHHHHHHHH ijust typed a whole long post and now it's gone, grrrr i hate when stupid things go wrong!!! GRRR So anyways i'll have to remember what i typed. Last night i watched 16 candles and straightened my hair it was a grand time. I also need to go shopping this weekend since i didn't find any nice pants last week, hopefully when my dad comes, besides fixing the computer he will take me to kelowna to go shopping. Yay my lovely little blog, it had been over a year now since i've had you, i think it's time we got married...... hehehe I have a confession though, lately i've started an addiction to Diet Pepsi, i got my mother to buy me a case this weekend and it's sucka guilty little pleasure since it's soooo good and only .49 calories. I get to watch a movie today in art........ should be fun, i'm hoping! Any takers to go shopping with me this weekend by any chance. I still need to decide what i'am going to be for halloween this year....... i think i should be a cowboy, hehehe or Madonna. I was gonna be Madonna last year, but instead i was captain underpants, ahhh good times. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO FOR HALLOWEEN!!!!!??????

Friday, October 17, 2003

NOOOOOOOOO i wont have a computer ALL weekend and now i have to go...... this is the sadest day of my life!!!!
AHHH time to blog, i haven't for 4 days now, thanks to technical difficulties, but now, ooooo it's like a breath of fresh clean crisp air, and i'am not joking!!!!!! I have a chem test today, had a wonderful japanese test yesterday which i got 18/20 on and it was happy, i got yen!! So i havn't been doing much on my days, now that my stupid computer is broken, grrr it sucks so much because i usually DO NOTHING besides go on the computer. My guitar is also untuned, i blame it on my sister she was playing with it and now it sounds compleatly bad!! I had a really wierd dream last night i don't rmember most of it, but it was wierd. I went to kylies house for lunch today and i'm going to the hockey game tonight. I had chocolate Pie for breakfast this morning and now i want more. Hmmm what else is new.......??? thats about it, i'am SOO bored after schools because of my stupid non working computer. But bloggers just seems soo much more attractive now!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2003

Dont you just LOOOVE my new template!!!??? Pretty soon, hopefully, if i get what i want for christmas i will be able to make my own templates, much like this. Well today i got woken up and then went to work, i persuaded mother to make me french toast though and she did. it was super delicious!!!! Work however was a pain in the butt!! It was boring and all i did was stand there and make my christmas list..... hehe My homework is done though, arn't you proud of me!!???

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Ahhh procrastination.... thats my weekend!!!Havn't done homework yet.. I went down to the football game on Saturday, its too bad adam didn't get hit in the head with the football and went blind, it would be less painful than the other way of going blind. Mitchell was there too :) i totally filled up on junk food that day, all weekend to be honest. Yumm..... So i suppose my weekend really wasn't all that bad. Except i have to work tomorrow, 11 to 4. yay, since i dont get paid even. Hopfully is i wak rup early enough though, i'll make myself french toast, something good to look forward too.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Ok, so i STILL dont' know if i'am going this weekend or not, i'm not really sure if i even want to go...... Since that now i so kindly found out kylie told him i liked him, slightly embarrassing...! So the other day we went out for lunch to Tim Hortons and it was surprisingly cheap, but i still owe krystal money. I can't wait till the weekend, this week has been a drag.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Yay, its Tuesday and im in computers. I still don't like the block orders but i suppose im living with them fine. I just hate it when i have stupid chemistry and stupid japanese all in one day. Its too much for me to handle!!! Anyways today is a happy day, i don't know why but it is. I went out for supper last night since it was the last day my dad was gonna be here, and i'm going out for lunch today i think anyways, i didn't bring money but krystal said she'd buy me something. yay. I can't wait till Thursday, then i can start on another painting, with my brand new paintbrushes. Today though we have to do still life drawing..... that will be fun, just about as much fun as last year. hehe

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Things to add to my Christmas List: Some Kind of Wonderful (VHS) and The chronicals of Narnia (big book of all of them)
I just got back from seeing School Of Rock and I Looooove it, its really good!! So besides going to the movies i didn't really anything today, hopefull ythough if i'm lucky i will get to go to Kelowna tomorrow to do some shopping.

Friday, October 03, 2003

Yay fridays are always good!! It was a pretty boring day though. Although at lunch we did go out with kylie to coldstream store and then to her house to eat. After school though i got picked up, because dad here. Then we ate out at little tex again, then guess what i did. I went to wal-mart and guess what i bought......... Paint brushes hahaha since the ones at the school suck i figure i better get decent ones so my next masterpiece will turn out decent, i still have to pick a painting to do.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Today was fun, i ran away to gutterboy, hes such a loser. At lunch we had to do the jelly bean thing and he took the jubejubes away to measure them on a scale. It was highly amusing cause hes soo cute and funny, and has a rather unlikeable girlfriend. Then Before lunch, we had to miss Spirited Away :*(because we had to do the senior buddy thing and mitchells in my group :) and Josh Parks is my partner, hes cool. We also got chocolate. Then after school we joined the art club and i stayed untill around 5, then walked home, now i'm here and iam starving, soon my stomach will atart eating itself!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Just to sum up this post, I've had a rather bad day. But on the bright side, i did get a little black book to sketch in, i love it, its my new best friend. So art was alright... then japanese was just crap. Stupid Mr. yamaoka does not do anything fair, if the guys don't get a question right the first time, well lets give them 50 more tries until they DO get it. But then if i get it wrong, well thats it, minus points for me! THEN at lunch stupid mullet should die, he gave me and krystal stupid garbage duty JUST for taking one bite of our sandwich in the halls. Ugh i hate him. then a dumb chemistry test, hopefully i didn't do to bad.... but i suppose it was pretty easy. At least i dont have any homework.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Today pickolo got beat up, hehehe WHAT A LOSER. Its too bad mr. korb didn't just smack they're heads together, now THAT would have been entertaining. In art today, we had to saw and make our own wooden frames, so that ment i had to use the stupid electic saw thingy. So after about 500 pieces of wood my frame actually looked like a frame, it was not very fun. Ive also decided that the day right after school is over compleatly i'm going to shave my head, if i try to stop myself, krystal and ebbie you must hold me down and do it yourselves!!!!mwahaha great...... This morning since i am alwasy afraid mr, winston will walk by and see his picture in my locker (very wrong!!) so i put a picture of nitch that i soo wonderfully drew beside fishbait instead, now it looks very fabulous even though it should be a picture of krystal hahha or moi.

Monday, September 29, 2003

I had a fairly intersting bus ride today, on the way to the store the bus route passes safeway. And when we stopped at safeway to pick up an old lady, who didn't even get on the garbage was on fire, hehehe so it was funny watching the bus driver get out and try and put out the fire while the old lady just sat there like nothing in the world was happening. Then when she tried to get on she pulled a number 14 and shes like is this number 7 and then it wasn't it was only number 3 so she took all day getting out. It was amusing. Then we went to the store, and out to Pizza Hut. It was delicious, just what i needed after a long dragging monday.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

I miss fishbait!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Guess what i did on a wonderful saturday afternoon, i went to the library. My sister had a stick up her ass so she didn't bother joining me. I also did my japanese homework already, jees i'm such a keener. Much like ebbie... hehe
One of these days im gonna start making a resume and then maybe if i feel super energetic i just might start handing them out.... but knowing me i'll never end up making one. One day i will work at safeway hahaha
Thats about all the excitment iv had lately, i'm going to see American Splendor tomorrow though.

Friday, September 26, 2003

Ugh i swear i am compleatly blonde sometimes, today i was supposed to go to the library, but guess what, i couldn't find my card AGAIN!!! So we just ended up going to Joeys for supper and then to fabricland and walmart. whoa the excitment is just to much for one person!! Then i came home looked and guess where i found the dumb thing, in my coat pocket!!
Mr. yamaoka has male pms!! today he wouldn't let us watch TWAK just because we came in late.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Guess who decided she was gonna touch me this morning, yea thats right, grossness. Um no hun you cannot just touch me "randomly" because ifs its not obviously already i do not think you are cute or "random" but i do however find you to be rather disgusting and gross and dumb and if's not known to you already, i don't like you very much and don't plan on getting "chummy" and touchy any time soon!! jees these people do they ever learn?! i guess not! I happened to have a day of just chemistry and japanese and today it wasn't bad. It too bad that i have 5 hundred million projects in chemistry due tomorrow or starting tomorrow, it kinda sucks!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Yesterday when we went to go see Bend it like Beckham (by the way that movie is on my top 10, if not 5 of my favorite movies list because it was really good!!) we snuck in salads mwhahah and not only that but when the movie was over i just left my food there. Krystal however picked hers up and put it in the garbage and blamed me that i'm the reason you cant bring food into the theatre hehehe. So i got home and then kylie called and we went over to her brothers house to have a "guitar lesson" I also watched Frida yesterday afternoon in art and it was a really good movie also. My day however happened to be ruined though, but its my fault. Ebbie I hate you!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2003

Today would have been the perfect day for some good old fashion retail therapy but frankly i was to lazy to even get out of my pajamas. So i hung out here at home all day. Playing with the newly named Rocky. The stupid things kinda dumb, all he did all day was wine and then run into the coffee table. I didn't even finish my homework, but all i have left is the conclusion. haha and i wont' be doing it tomorrow because im going to the 5 o clock movie, Bend it like Beckham. I think i tried d/l that movie once but it didn't work, so i haven't seen it yet, and i want to.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

OMG OMG OMG My mother bought us a new kitty. Well technicallt she didn't buy him, he was free but hes soo adorable. He looks like Boots R.I.P but he has more white on his face. my sisters not to creative though, she naemd him Buttons.

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Last night i went to the Kal carnival, and it was ok i suppose last year was better but it was good! I'm surprised Kenny came, it was nice he ususally never comes and it gave me opportunity's to look at him, subtly.... Me and krystal unfourtunatly volunteered ourselves to work for Mr. yamaoka selling sports wear. We couldn't even quit after a hour and a half, we had to go for 2 hours, but it was ok. Its not like it was some kind of old torture treatment. So after that we walked around and sat and stuff. Ebbie is my sisters new best friend now that she got her a picture of Tristan. Mitchell was there too and we walked home. Alekes and Jill also came over yesterday and rudely woke me up this morning at around 8:45, thats practically still night for me. So today i had to babysit Aleya with my sister, thank god it wasn't like last time we had to babysit her.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

TOO MUCH!!!!! guess what i was just doing, looking at "the model site" agian, and o dear God i now need extensive therapy!!! yea and i also saw the profile picture and it was super disturbing, why must they be such losers?? haha, tomorrows the kal carnival, should be fun, now that i'm clued in that we are not doing the Jelly bean thing again. I got called tonight by Dustin or Aaron, i'm not sure which one it was, let me tell you it was not fun, but we're going back to the 'C' word lol haha to face all the losers that have crushes on me and krystal. this kinda scared me, but i realized it isn't him...

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Today was picture day, my FAVORITE day in the world, but i suppose it went well, i hope.... I can play knocking on heavens doors kinda already on my guitar, im happy. I love it. I went out for supper tonight too, to Boston Pizza, i haven't been there since the SPAM supper in June, it seems like yesterday though, thats how stupidly fast the summer went by! Then i went to the library again. That was my day, it was great.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I got my darling yesterday and its SOOOO pretty!!! im in the computer room right now, i would much rather be painting but NO! we have to be in here looking up information on the artists whose painting we are doing. Kinda sucky.The thing is though, my darling is REALLY out of tune, i mean when you give a person a guitar the least you could do is tune it for them.... but i can't go home and play it right after school because iam going to the mall with krystal to complain about her lack of straight hair, should be fun.

Monday, September 15, 2003

stupid blogger, i updated today but it didn't show up!!! So ANYWAYS!! Will somebody PLEASE shoot or torture or do SOMETHING to syupid Pickolo becasue he is so friggin annoying. I always thought he was annoying and what not but today, just drew the line!! In computers every 5 seconds he would tell me and krystal to stop talking and giggling so much because WE were annoying, yet he could talk all he wanted to, hes such a loser. In japanese i got to be Michael Jackson, it was great, krystal was super man hehehe
STOP STALKING ME!!!! (not directed at mitchell, even though he is a stalker!!)

Sunday, September 14, 2003

I get to get my school pictures taken by wal mart instead of stupid jostens, which is good, and me and my sister get to be in the same picture instead of individual photos. I'm surprise when i mentioned this my mother actually agreed with it.
The cleaning lady (DEB) is such a loser, the other day she took our calls and spelt my name Jeanna!?? Anyways i have 4 more books to pick up at the library again. I stayed in my pajamas all day today, it was sooo much fun. Because i'am so bored and i did absolutley nothing. Well i lied i didn't just Sit all day, i came on here, did homework and then i read and now im back on here. It's too bad we couldn't go out for supper, that would at least give me something to look forward to.
In life there is ALWAYS a catch. And I mean ALWAYS, on EVERYTHING. Which kinda sucks...

Saturday, September 13, 2003

I went into the guys washroom at the school today, its not fair, they're bathroom is twice the size of the girl's which makes absolutely NO sence.
Hello Diary, hehehe Dear Diary, i have a problem you see there is this boy that i like a whole bunch!!! One problem, he doesn't know who i'am. I really like him ALOT and this is really hurting me. I think i need to find a way to get him to like me, but how? HAHAHA that was a crap btw, ebbie might get it, the whole dear diary thing. So anyways i went to the football game today and had a "little scare" lol that was fun, but i didn't feel like going over to ebbies house because i still hadn't eaten supper, so i stayed here and ate Quizno's, it was rather good and YAY i get to go on the Drama Trip!!!! But only if i clean the house for a couple of weeks. my father is so generous when he gets payed, lol. So all day tomorrow i suppose i have to clean, do homework and lounge around since hes comming again tomorrow, that should be fun. I need to pursuede him to take me to a Canucks practice!!!! Anthony's stalking me, yeaterday he was at the movies, then today, first i saw him at the school at the football game and then at church as well
I went to the mall yesterday, the rest i'd like to forget.

Friday, September 12, 2003

THAT happened to be a post strictly of japanese. I wasted my ENTIRE relaxation time just to type all that out in japanese, but it doesn't like me enough to show up properly!!!! stupid stupid computers that WON'T show japanese. ugh
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�V���c?@��?@�����܂�?B?@�킩��܂���?@��?B hahaha you didn't understand a word of that!!! hehe with the exception of phil and krystal..... �ӂ���?@��?@����?@�ł�?B mwhaahaha

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Double block of Chemistry and then Japanese need I say more...

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

O, my goodness!! Jesse Cook is coming to Vernon. I love Jesse Cook he would be so awesome to see live. That was the highlight of my day, but the thing is i have NO ONE to go with, how sad and depressing is that!? But o'well hopefully, if krystal is wanting we can do yoga. Its dumb though you have to pay $120 and you only get your money back if you attend ALL the classes, but it would be fun. Tomorrow i am dreading ALOT, i have a double block of Japanese and Chemistry, shoot me now! D/L Gypsy and Rapture by Jesse Cook, he is good!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

I feel happy, i got to make krystals day by fixing her tiki hut blog, yay!!! The grd 8's (mostly my sisters friends) are ALL over me, its so amusing. Jill stopped me in the halls today and was basically ranting to me about her problems, then she stormed off it was funny. So stupid boy, the dumbass new kid decided to bring a Black Widow into Art class today, that was funny, he had a pet. We also had a dumb fire drill today. I love Art i wish i could have it all day, but i hate the part where we have to cut things up on the saw like we had to today. Trust me, me and machinery do not get along to well... Then when i came home i practically had to do my sisters homework for her then i wrote her a note to read in science tomorrow hehehe Now i'm going to bed to have more crazy dreams. I didn't get to watchthe O.C. tonight...... darn!
I feel like Posting and blogging, but really i have nothing to write about besides how crappt my day was, but instead i'll tell you all a story. Its a story of my dream last night. So it started out, me and my mother were just driving along to pick up Amanda and Dad at the airport but she decides to just drop me off on the side of road, i was with someone too but i don't remember who. So i start walking along and all of a sudden we're at a campground so i started raiding a peoples campers for food, and the peoples were so nice they asked me if they're food was good or not and if i was alright, i knew the person too. I ended up eating like a feast, it was grand. Then they're dog started chasing me. Then i was rudely woken. So thats my entertaining story, i think thre was more too it, but i'm surprised i even remembered that much

Monday, September 08, 2003

Will somebody PLEASE put a muzzle on new kid/pickolo/j-lo whatever his new name is becasue he must be the dumbest thing on the planet earth, if not the whole intire galaxy!!!! So today he came in a velvet suit, much like tyler rogers last year. NOT GOOD on a guy!!! And he was acting all gay in art, he is such a funny kid. Although i must say i would much rather spend a week with him than marry LANCE!!!! you people are crazy!!!! I have to come to a wonderful conclusion, i think i'm starting to love school again, first week was odd, but today was good. Computers was a total drama, i was ALMOST DONE my stupid project, and then it had to be all stupid and freeze on me when smart little me didn't save, ahh but my problems were nothing compared to krystals (obviously, just look at the poor thing) Then of course the highlight of the day was getting to walk home with Mitchell...... hahaha

Sunday, September 07, 2003

As I've Matured...

1. I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.
2. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses.
3. I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
4. I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
5. I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.
6. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
7. I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things.
8. I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
9. I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.
10. I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon, all the less important ones just never go away, and the real pains in the ass are permanent

I found this on a web site and i changed it a little bit, i found it rather amusing. There arn't enough funny people in the world!!!

Saturday, September 06, 2003

I was reading through blogs recently and i found a good comeback, and i'm gonna use krystal as my subject mwwhaahaha
The bogie man called.... he wants his face back
I NEED to go to libabry today!!!!! i have 8 books on hold now there for me, and they KEEP COMING!!!!!

Friday, September 05, 2003

blog, blog, blogging on heavens doors, hehehe get it krystal???
AHH i still have visions of sugarplums dancing in my head hahaha NOT i imagine LANCE running through the halls, ahhh i think i'm going to need MAJOR therapy now, you have NO idea!!!!!!! ok, so Art was great, japanese was fine, i'm getting used to school now. Computers was great because krystal is a saggy old woman hahaha and a ostrich also a hulky manly man he he he he. Then after school, i didn't get to walk home with Mitchell :( BUT kylie drove me to my house, we got money then me, krystal, ebbie and kylie all went to Tom Hortons and we got free donuts!! well the lady gave me and krystal the wrong kind so we got the wrong kind plus the right kind haha it was great. Then from there we parused around the mall, and i bought bracelets that have to be the sexiest things in the world. So we went to zellers, looked at possible dance attire aka maternity wear lol and had a gay ol' time. Then i went back to kylies and watched a couple of movies. It was a fun day, just what i needed after surviving my first week of grd stupid 11!! I also got to see my boyfriend in the movie store, and i ate him for supper, in a sandwhich mwahaha

meatloaf, meatloaf, it's all in the meatloaf crunch. mmmm

Thursday, September 04, 2003

I feel like updating and just writing whatever, but the thing is i have nothing to write, so here goes on a extreammly long boring post. I got to go to the mall tonight, but i didn't get to visit Krystal in chatters if she was even there at the same time, we just ran into Winners to get my sister clothes since heaven forbid she don't wear the sweat shirt she wanted tomorrow to impress some stupid guy. So we had to drive all the way in town for her and her needs. But i got ice cream out of it so i was happy, at the time. Its too bad so many people read this now, so i can't post whatever i wanted to anymore. Who knows who reads this, but i guess leaving the address on my profile doesn't help any, but i seriously don't care anymore who reads it, its not like i wrote anything too personal anyways. I wish i could stay in grd 10 forever, i'am seriously really hating grd 11, i dont want to get old and have a job and have to pay for a house and all the rest of that crap, i really don't. Now if only fishbait came back, he would at least make getting through this year a little more fun and easier. No more chase, no more thrills, there is now absolutely no reason to go to school anymore. ugh such difficulties... But on the bright side tomorrows friday!!!!!!
I got to walk home with Mitchell today don't i feel lucky!!!!! But this first week was a total bummer, we had no assembly, thats like a welcome back, so basically it just feels like a really long weekend went by. Computers was fun today, because krystals a pigs derier, get it, get it!!?? And i convinced Mr.Yamaoka that we should watch Sprited Away on Monday, so we're doing that, i suppose its the only thing i have to look forward to next week. O yea and Simones back!? Shoot me now please because i hate her, last year was better when she WASN"T here!!! Now shes in my art class, hurra hurra....

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Man, at first i thought yesterday was bad, but then i had to go through today. I suppose being there wasn't all that bad, but then i came home and imagined how much homework and how much i'm gonna have to study this year. I can tell you all RIGHT NOW its not going to be fun. Last year i liked school, now i hate it i don't know why. Maybe i just need to "get back into it" Thank God i don't have math or socials first, i would just die. I got a ride home from Kathy today though that was nice, even though i was supposed to walk home with Mitchell (sorry) It was a rather boring day...

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

If you wanna see something truley amazing click the link!! Its mine all MINE!!!!! hehehe i think i'm the happiest person in the world, except for when i think about school!!!!
AHH what a day, i suppose there are absoutley no words to describe it, art was great.... Japanese, well enough said, there are only 12 people in our class but it is slowly all coming back to me. Chem sucks so far and bus com well that a whole other story. Mr. Korb (olaf hehehe) will hopefully make it funner than the course is actually, yay for learning!! SO that was my day, no assembly brought my day down but o'well we get it on thursday, which i really don't get the point of.

Monday, September 01, 2003

NO PLEASE DoN"T MAKE ME GO BACK, ugh its horrible enough that i have no idea what the block order is and theres no assembly, i can't i just can't go back....

Sunday, August 31, 2003

well so much for my day of rest i barely got any. I went to the mall again but this time with my mother, and i got underwear and a shirt from thrifty's, yay for school shopping.... So then we went to Safeway and THAT was semi embarrasing, i'll tell anybody who wants to here what happens later because i dont feel like writing it, haha so that was my day. Hopefully at this moment my dad is doing what he is supposed to....... im going to check

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Tomorrow is my day of rest, i don't think i'm even going to answer the phone, so its no use calling if anybody plans to do something. There is only 2 more days untill school and i swear this whole summer i haven't had one full day of rest. At my own house i mean, becasue at my grandmas all i did was sit, watch t.v and run on her treadmill. But still its been nonstop which was kinda a good thing but it made summer go by way too fast!!! So NO PHONE CALLS, haha and if you do happen to call i will not pick up and if my sister answers it, i will not come to the phone, i'm just gonna sit all day. That sounds like a very good plan to me!!! I don't think my parents are going to take me school shopping AT ALL this year, o well i suppose i can live without new clothes...

Friday, August 29, 2003

If you recited the phone book it would still sound clever...
AHH i got a letter from "the place"!!! yea thats right the place!! ugh its horrible i hope they know i'm NEVER going back. So we went to wendy's tonight and then i told my dad that kylie had LOTR 2 and he almost had a heart attack because he wants to see it, so we just HAD to rent it tonight. Thats why i'm writing in this now, because i don't want to see it again tonight. So my hair is all lovely and goldeny brown for all those who were interested. haha i should have gone BRIGHT red, just to annoy my mother. that would have been fun.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

ok, the cabin was honestly a shack with a toilet, and a room for a bed. And the ceiling didn't even connect. It was horrible. But i suppse it was cosy. The thing thoug was that i was stuck with my parents and my sister for 2 days in this shack and it's not like i could go anywhere. So it was fun!!!!! Thats really all thats new with me, besides the fact that in about an hour or so i get togo to the grd 8 icebreaker with my sister, yay. And then i get to have my hair redyed.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Today dads coming home, so that means hopefully tonight we can go to Boston Pizza for supper. I havn't been there for the longest time, perhaps since the SPAM dinner there. All the other times dad comes home we always end up going out for chinese food, but i'm gettign sick of it. IF we go there one more time, i will hold a riot!!!! haha yea right, that would be powerful (and intimidating lol) Tomorrow we are leaving for the cabin. It better be nice, i'm still scarred from the last time we rented a "cabin" That thing was honestly a little run down shack with no electricity or water. But they had frogs, that was the only fun part.

Sunday, August 24, 2003


I don't want summer to end, i still feel like i haven't done anything this summer because it went by so fast. I was deprived this summer though. A whole month in Medicine Hat and i didn't see Brandon ONCE!!!! How sad and miserable is that!? But it was great anyways.....

Today really wasn't all that interesting. So i'm gonna put it in point form, it saves me from writing in sentences...
-Woke up at 10
-Went to the mall
-Bought magazine
-Saw grossness
-She pretended she didn't see me, but she did!!!
-Went to Quizno's for lunch
-Saw MANY hot boys there, it was hot boy day at quizno's
-Went to SAAN
-Bought shoes
-Went to staples
-Saw kenny's gorgeous brother
-Went to kal store
-Small talked with Mr. Yamaoka
-Bought slushes
-Went home

Friday, August 22, 2003

I know who Clark Gable is Now!!!! hahah take that krystal i searched him up on google, yes i know i'm sad.... bordom has overcome me
Well we tryed to see Grind and seabiscuit tonight but i have problems telling times in the paper. Instead of 5:15 i told them it was at 5:50, ANYWAYS. So we got there, realized we were an hour late, so we "walked around" for a bit, then went to safeway and then back to the movies to see seabiscuit. Tomorrow ebbie wants me to go thrift store shopping downtown but i DON"T WANT TO LEAVE MY BED. trust me if you had to deal with difficult children for the past 2 days you wouldn't want to leave your bed eaither!! I gto paid $20 though...

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Its so wonderful when you find something old, that you knew you had but never really cared about. But when you found it, it was the best thing in the world. It's like finding a diamond among garbage. I found Fleetwood Mac's Tango in the Night cd. And O my goodness its the best cd in the world. I love it, it has two of my favorite songs in the world on it... Amanda was going through the storage room because she's having a garage sale tomorrow with Jill and Alekes and now i found it, yay. So now that i've listened to it 59874517 million times, i'm bored and i really don't want to go back to babysitting Aleya tomorrow but owell. I feel like watching mortal kombat right now, to make up for the times i had to watch Barney, the Wiggles and The lion king today
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
comfortably numb says:
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
i have a serious problem
comfortably numb says:
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
can cream cheese be left out for more than a day or does it go bad?!
comfortably numb says:
it will go bad
comfortably numb says:
so don't eat
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
o well, i already did....
comfortably numb says:
comfortably numb says:
did it taste find?
comfortably numb says:
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
well it was a little warm
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
and chunky
comfortably numb says:
comfortably numb says:
you okay?
Video Killed The Radio Star says:
o yea i'm fine, never been better

This was a rather funny converstion i had with Phil today, i need a life, this was the highlight of my day! I find this rather amusing...
Well i'm home and yes fyi i DID have to change diapers. It was WONDERFUL, hopefully i get paid this time becasue i never have all the other times i've babysat for my cousin. My relatives all left this morning, my uncle and aunt want me to go and stay with them all next summer in Ontario, i would really like to but i don't think i want to leave my poor mother again all summer. She probabaly is to cheap to buy the plane ticket plus spending money blah blah blah. So off to medicine hat again, i can't believe i'm making plans for next summer already... My uncle gave me $20 though, which was rather nice. Now back to basic and boring for the rest of summer which is like 12 days. It went by WAY to fast!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

ugh she did it again she volunteered me to babysit, and this time its not just for a couple of hours, it for 2 DAYS, ALL DAY!!! Which means that i am going to have to change diapers in that time which is really gonna suck!! Yea so today i didn't do much, we drove around and saw the wonderful huge down town of vernon, now THAT is a sight to see!!! It would have been better if we would have drove to Kelowna to go shopping or something but, i'm not the driver...

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

It does suck having to wake up at 7:30 in the morning when your already sleep deprived.... So it wasn't that bad, kinda boring really having to help old lady's fill they're "shopping lists." So then me and mother came home and had lunch with some of them since the golf fanatics were out again. So we drove all the way out to falkland (population 350 or less...) and we went to the christmas store, i like it there, not the christmas store in particular. I like the Antique stores where they sell everything WAY over price. So they make me save up my money for a $35 little box that i want every single time i go in there, yet never buy.

Monday, August 18, 2003

How nice of my mother to volunteer me to wake up at 8 o clock this morning to babysit, while all the relatives could all go out. So luckily Amanda and Cindy were staying too. So after the tramp, puzzles and playdoh, we went into Amanda's room to watch the fish and i kinda just layed down and dozed off..... Then after my wonderful 2 1/2 hour morning nap, everybody was over and we had lunch, then went to 500 WINERY"S!!! It was soo boring. At Mission Hill, i bet the tour took 2 hours and we stood THE WHOLE TIME!!! and that was only the first one. but at least i got sparkling apple cider!!! And on the way home they wanted me to call my mother to tell them that they were all drunk and that i was driving them home, but she wasn't home. So we went to Tim Hortons.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

So yea, all we did today was go to winery's it was actually quite boring, but in the morning we went to the winners, and sports check where i got my new fabulous winter jacket. Even though my mother got it for 50% off, she still says that i shouldn't ask her for anything else untill october which doesn't make sence since she said last winter that she would buy me a new one, and i got it for 1/2 off. My mother needs to see the bright side of things! so pessimistic.... well really i shouldn't talk. Tomorrow i get to wake up early so i can babysit Aleya at 8, lucky me..... While everyone else gets to go golfing.
Kylie slept over the other night that was fun, we watched a knights tale and the hot chick and then in the morning we watched the best movie in the world: Amelie. we jumped on the tramp alot too, while we were listening to one of my mixed cd's, trying to look at the neigbors to see if they are hot, but all i saw were girls and old guys (not that interesting) Then i went over to her house for about 20 minutes and then we went to church, my relatives are all here now, they came at like 12 last night, so i think all we are doing today is touring the winery's around here. And hopefully since we are going to be near kelowna, a little shopping but i highly doubt it. I don't think 9 people would want to go shopping just because i do, they'd probably rather be golfing.

Friday, August 15, 2003

I saw S.W.A.T. with kylie and Ben today, then after we went back to kylies house and played, hehe. She had 20 million people over, well not really, it was really only like 20. They were all there to help her dad with the hay. So dave came over to kylies house later, haha i asked him which classes he had and he said " uh grade 8 classes" hehe i thought that was funny, i told my sister that when i got home and she was like "o my gosh i have the same classes as him". So after i came home at like 9 and me and sissy went on the tramp. The next door neighbors were having a party, ebbie i'll phone you tomorrow to tell you about them!! Not that it was anything spectacular or anything because it really wasn't. I think i want to put the ugly wall up, i hate them already and i haven't even talked to them. So we jumped, then krystal called, then i came on here and now i'm going to bed.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

ALL DAY i've been on the phone trying to fix my STUPID computer, it has a really dumb frustrating virus that shuts down your computer after 2 minutes. But it's nice enough to count down for you, just so you know when it's gonna shut your computer down. How kind. So nothing really worked while i was trying to fix it but it seems to be working now. I WANT GUITAR LESSONS!!!!!! my mother says no, but i havn't asked my father, hes more understanding.


Sunday, August 10, 2003

Today guess what my mother decided she was gonna do to me, drive away from me. Well anyways this is the story, i was sitting on the rocking chair, like i always do. I was listening to my cd player and staring at the lovely little picture of fishbait i have on the coffee table, then guess who i see driving down the driveway WITHOUT ME!!! Amanda and my mother, waving at me on the other side of the window. According to them they were yelling at me, saying that they were leaving now. But i don't believe them. Those sneaky little worms probably didn't say anything and thought "haha well just drive away from her and see what she says." So they were there waving at me and they made me run all the way downstairs and down the driveway. I didn't even have time to grab my purse or check my makeup or anything. GRR So thats my dramatic story for the day.
Today i decided to get a head start on the whole "going back to school" thing, so i went to super store and went school supply shopping. I saw Miss Piggy there with her sister and her sisters friend. I got different colored pens!! along with binders and stuff. The other day i bought that colgate whitening stuff and decided to try that out. I've only been using it for two days so i'm not sure if it actually works or not. It better because it was slightly expensive for such a little bottle. Then i went to the beach with ebbie and swam and ebbie got eaten alive by sea weed and thats the end of my post.

Saturday, August 09, 2003

I totally forgot about my little cross stitching project, i wonder where it is. (I'm not a geek!!, i just happen to like the same things as my grandma as morbid as that is lol) I bet my sister threw it out since mine is better than hers.Mwahaha Then after i finish this one i can do a big one with dolphins on it or something. At least cross stitching gives me something to do while i'm in front of the tv instead of eat. I can't wait for school to start, although i had two people tell me yesterday that i was getting old. How flattering is that!? But i'm taking all the hard classes, that should be fun!

Yesterday i went shopping at 8, after Alekes left and i bought 2 shirts at thrifty's. I also saw a really nice one a winners but my mother thought i wouldn't wear it cause it's ugly.

Friday, August 08, 2003

The poor thing, it's been 4 months since dad left who knows what my poor cat feels. It always did take a liking to my dad. I guess that when i left as well he decided he would leave too. Too much curiosity can kill a cat, and i guess it did. i will miss him a lot. He was the first pet i ever really had, besides chester the dumb springer spaniel that peed all over the house.

Last night i rented 5 for 5, why? becasue i am ETREAMLY bored. I went to the mall yesterday though, but only becasue Amanda can't get her hair cut by herself. It's a good thing i did come though becasue she needed 5 extra dollars. $30 for a hair cut is really expensive if you think about it!! Then we went over to wendy's for supper after that.
The relatives are coming down soon, theres some coming from ontario and alberta. I even have to give up my bed, how incredibly sad is that. I hope my cat comes home soon, or at all really.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

My cats not even here to comfort me!! I'm begining to think he was eaten by a coyote

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

I just got back from camping with kylie and it was a lot of fun. We went to the beach, went bowling and biked around alot. We also hung out with Josh lol. we went bowling with him and that was super fun, also we got free socks! Josh is really nice looking, he's a pretty boy. He also plays guitar really well, so does Ben and Brad from across the camp ground. So almost every night we had "jam sessions" where it was prime oppurtunity (for others) to look at Josh. Then krystal decided to leave on Monday, but it was fun without her!!! hahaha Much More FUN!!! jk. Last night me kylie and Ben decided to stay up till 2in the morning looking at the stars in the back of Andrea's truck. That was probably the best night, we almost fell asleep in the back of a truck.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Isn't Johnny Depp a hottie!!!! Anyways, if you haven't already known. I'm home. So we should go to te beach or something tomorrow guys!!! My grandparents were driving me crazy, if i had stayed there one more day i would have gone insane!! We stayed in Banff last night at the Bumpers Inn, it was fun. In Banff there was a resteraunt named Phils and down the street there was one named Craigs. I found that highly amusing. We at Phils for breakfast this morning. My cat hasn't come home yet, that stupid lady's cat. Probably at someones house cheating on me again!!! The neigbors are gone so you know what that means. POOL PARTY. if they are still gone tomorrow and no body's watching the house i'll go over for a nice little swim, anyone can join me if they want hehehe.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

The other night i watched Mullholland Drive with my grandma (not very wise if you know what i mean) And OMG that is the most twisted movie in the whole entire world. I'm still confused about it.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

I saw How to Deal a couple of days ago and the book is way better. Of coursee the book just happens to be one of my favorites (refer to the About me page) The book is Someone Like you. Its wierd that they made a movie out of that book. I hope Confessions of a teenage Drama Queen is just as good, since they are making a movie out of that one too. We also went to the Stampede grounds yesterday and watched the musical ride in the afternoon, then went to the fair in the evening since it was like 38 degrees in the afternoon. We went on a couple of rides. We had a bracelet that let us ride as many rides as we like but since my sister is as much fun as a wet blanket in the midle of winter she didn't want to go on many.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Today all i did was watch tv, i'm not joking, thats ALL i did. I watched The View, Dr.Phil, Passions, Days of our lives, Sailormoon, the Amanda show and now i'm here SUPER bored. My dad left to pick my mother up formt he Calgary airport. They're coming home tonight at 9 but thats when i'm leaving. I'm going to see How to Deal tonight at the towne theatre. I love the towne theatre here it's really cool. Then tomorrow night i'm spending all night over at the stampede grounds, i can't remember though if it's as good as the IPE. Then Thursday is the parade. I came back form camping yesterday because i was really tired. I only stayed one night.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

I look, feel and am starting to act like a lobster. I'am SOOOOO incredibly burnt, all over the place. We went swimming again today but in evan (my cousin's fiancee's) pool with 2 hot 20 year old college boys. One of them was named Tyler and he was a cross between Cris Martin from coldplay and gutter boy and the other one was super hot his name was Nathan and he looked a little like Paul walker, it's too bad his girlfreind is the one who thinks she's gods gift to men. So now after that, swimming for 3 hours i'am completely burnt and it hurts. Tonight we are going to the grandstand with my cousin to watch the horse shows since it's the first day of the stampede here. This morning i got awoken by stupid music coming over fromt he lodge. They were having a pancake breakfast, they were listening to Neil Diamond.

Friday, July 18, 2003

I feel so left out over here.. all you guys making plans. well guess what. I went swimming today at their "lesure" center. It was realy fun. i had to get up at 9 since we didn't know whether we were gonna go camping or not. So now i'am totally exhausted. I even had a nap this afternoon after we got back from the park. Me and amanda walked there yesterday night as well, almost got lost along the way too. We got a huge slush and jsut walked around the park. I got started on my cross stitch after my nap and it's rather easy. Its very "old ladyish" though but it's fun lol. Now i'm just rambling because i'm so bored and tired and i really need sleep. But first i'm gonna work some more on my cross stitch, somone please shoot me and put me out of my misery.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Guess what guys, i can finally make those stupid little hemp necklaces and stuff. That waht i've been doing while i'm here, crafts. We went to Michaels yesterday and my grandma bought me a kit that makes a hemp necklace, anklet and bracelet. The instructions are super confusing though. We were gonna go camping tomorrow but so far the camp ground is full, hopefully we go. My sister hasn't been bothering me yet, we've been running together, reading and we even have to sleep together but she still hasn't gotten on my nerves. It's hard to tell people the truth, especially her. If i just give her a little advice she totally bites my head off. The winners here really sucks, not that the one in vernon is any better. Yesterday when we were at winners i found a pair of pant for $3. That about all that has happened here. I can't wait untill the stampede though, that will be fun because they have a parade, and a fair. My grandma is going to teach me how to cross stitch one of these days too. These people here have such a routine to there days, i can't wait untill i do something exciting!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

yay i can actually see my blog now...... i couldn't before, so i changed the template

Monday, July 14, 2003

Hello Ya'll. I'm leaving tomorrow, isn't that nice?? We bought luggage yesterday just so my mother would have nice luggage to go on the plane for when she comes down at the end of the month. so today i was really busy, i went to kelowna this morning, then home, then to the library, then to pick up my contacts, then out for supper, then home, then we decided to go out for ice cream, which i really didn't need since i had Arby's for lunch and Pizza hut for supper. Then tomorrow, i'm gonna be bombarded by my grandma with food. I gained 3 pounds in 4 days!!! and i was running a mile almost everyday. I can just imagine what i'am going to look like by the end of July!Well don't miss me too much. I'll try and update as often as humanly posible with my grandma's SUPER REALLY EXTA slow compute and dial up connection.

Sunday, July 13, 2003

You know what, i dislike vernon A LOT!!!!!! and my parents are really bothering me lately. SO yesterday i went swimming all morning in the neighbors pool. I don't want them to move, even if 16 year old hot boy lives in next door, i won't be able to go swimming then. Erin is such a little cutie. Then i did nothing for the rest of the day. At 7 we went to go see Pirates of the Caribbean, and that was good. Charlies Angels was better though, i still want to see it again. But i don't want to pay for it. Movies seem better when you don't have to pay for them. Its a good thing my cousin's fiancee is the manager of the cinaplex.

Friday, July 11, 2003

good MWAHAHAH the house is all mine!!!
Somebody PLEASE make the cleaning lady go home
Hey dudes, i'm home if you haven't guessed or knew. it was a LONG drive home. Yesterday i went shopping with my cousin, it wasn't really all that fun. All non chalauntely she was telling me how she hasn't paid for hr makeup in 3 years blah blah blah. So after an hour i had enough of her and told her to drive me back cause i've had enough of the mall. Then at 7 we drove to calgary, Airdrie actually. And 20 minutes into the trip i had to go to the bathroom REALLY BAD. So 2 hours later we come across strathmore and got a dairyqueen. This morning was worse, well not really bathroom wise but it was still bad. it was hot and long. So i just fell asleep and ever so attractive started drooling all over the place.
We get our new Jeep tomorrow, should be great. Then i get to back to medicine hat on..... Tuesday. yay

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Hey guys Gues where i am. Thats right in Medicine Hat. By the way my e-mail is still working so you can e-mail me anythime. But i won't get to it fast since i can only go on for a couple minutes, and i can't go on every day since my grandparents still have dial up. So i got here at 7 on sunday and it was a really long trip. And not onyl that but half way from calgary to Medicine Hat my batteries died. Not a good thing. So we stopped in Golden to eat, subway, and omg i swear the crows there could eat me in one bite. They're HUGE!!! yesterday i almost fainted, afteri ran on the treadmill, so i stuck my head int he freezer and then collapsed on the floor. My grandparents have a really nice backyard with a fish pond and everything so i sat out there for a while. I also made a really nice pot, yes thats right a pot. I painted it and it actually looks really nice. Today we went shopping i wanted to buy new sandals THONGS but they didn't have any i want, so i bought myself a sketchbook and pencils instead. Well write me please, i've gotten 1 new e-mail since i left and it was by some guy who wanted me to buy olives. what does that say. OOO i saw Charlies Angels yesterday with my cousin and i want to see it again it was really good!!!

Friday, July 04, 2003

mmm Chili Fries here i come......
I can't wait until i go to medicine hat, my dad said that on one of his days off, hes gonna take me to some backcountry raod and let me drive, its gonna be so great!!!
Yet anouther day of car dealerships and still no vehicle. I had to work this morning though 9 till 1, and it was SO boring. Then we got to go to special car dealerships in kelowna!! These ones had a lounge with a tv and magazines, but after two hours of just sitting there, it got bad! Then we came back and went to A&W. That was my day.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

PHIL I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a new mouse. It's the same ones they have in the library at our school. It works well.
Today was probably the boringest day even though i was not in the house at all. So my dad came and picked me up at about 12 then we went to Quizno's and it was delicious. Then i went back to the store and walked over to great cuts and got my hair cut. It seriously took the lady 5 minutes to chop all of my hair off. Then, o dear then we decided to go to the dealership. And i sat there for what seemed like 5 hours!! Then i came back to the store and sat there for what seemed like 5 hours. Then by that time it was time for supper so we went to the Woodfire Bakery. Then to pick up sissy allt he way over at Ellison park. And HA i actually have my bike fixed, it only squeaks when i brake. So now when i go up hill i don't wake up the whole neignborhood. I have to work tomorrow, and now i'm not leaving until Sunday!
heh My cat is such apimp, he gets around!! My mother was telling me about how the neighbor kids told her that boots goes into their house and sleeps on their beds at night. That stupid cat is this some kind of gay rebellion against me. Am i not good enough for him?? I disown him now. This morning he came and jumped on me while i was reading like everything was OK. WELL ITS NOT CAT!!!! your a traitor!! O well the poor cheating cat will be sad when the neigbors move at the end of July. I will be sad when the neighbors move in July, that means no more pool. I hope a really hot guy around the age of 15-17 comes. well got to go dads here.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Today i swear me and krystal walked all over vernon. Well not really since we only walked from my house, to phils, to Kal store and then to ebbies house. And it was super hot! So phil wasn't home, but we went up to his house and Krystal asked "Can phil come out to play" to his brother, but as i mentioned before he wasn't home. My parents hate me they went out for supper, without me. But then they were probably thinking 'hey, we only have to pay for 3 people, lets go out' GRR o well i'm having fun over here at ebbies. I downloaded a bunch of 80's music today and listened to it all morning, its very calming (most anyways!). Maybe only to me though.
Well if i could just erase yesterday i would! no doubt about it, the whole day just sucked! I would however like to redo it, then change everything if i could, but thats impossible. I can't wait until i leave. It'll just give me so much of a break from this stupid place! Hopefully my cousin won't expect me to hang out and "Party" with them, cause i don't want to. It's fun sometimes, but right now i'm not in a good mood and i don't think i would be able to handle her in the next couple of weeks. And i don't want to see cody again EVER. I really don't know what i want!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

My keyboard works again!!!! I'm happy. I have a feeling i'm gonna have a very good summer, AHHH i love this freedom i'm feeling right now. Well i'm off to rake the lawna nd then see fire works, with ice cream.

Monday, June 30, 2003

This is gonn be fun, my stupid keybord doesn't work. Thnks to my mother who spi ed wter over it. OK shout outs work gin y y. I hve to work tomorrow which kind sucks becuse i cn't go out nd do the c@n@d@ dy ctivities. But i do get to see the fire works hopefuy, if my mother is feeing dventurous. This morning we went to the frmers mrket nd i bought neckce nd nket, oo the excitment. ye i hve no ie. i u undersnd ny of this kudos to you. I'm eving on sturdy, i cn't wit. hopefuy oser fce sissy) doesn't come with me the first time.

Sunday, June 29, 2003

I got home at 10:29 last night from our bike ride, then again as previous collapsed into bed. Then this morning i had my sour dough bagel, then we all took a trip to Kin beach to see where the fire works would be since my mother has never driven to Kin beach. Then we went all over the place looking for shorts for yours truley since i only have ONE PAIR!!! so i finally got a pair at sports chek with a halter top and me and my sister are gonna share 3 tank tops. Then we had frys and an ice cream cone for lunch. Then came home and jumped on the tramp with water. It so freakin hot out today!

Saturday, June 28, 2003

wow it's already 12:30... i woke up at like 9 and spent the morning outside just doing whatever, i can say that i feel MUCh better today now that i'm not sleep deprived. I hate when i'm sleep lacked cause then i get realy cranky then my whole family gets cranky ad just starts to yell at me. Which believe me is NOT very fun. Last night at like 9 i went for a bike ride with my sisters bike which sucks. But when me and krystal were at the school it was relaxing and nice. They have really good slushes at the store. Then i came home and nearly died of tiredness so i had a shower and went to bed at like 10, it felt soo good.

Friday, June 27, 2003

Thursday Morning, the stupid assembly decided it was gonna change time so i got there when it started and it was pitch blck, NOT FUN! Then fishbait and all the rest of the student teachers went up and it was my last look at him. His friend was there yesterday too, and that was my last look at him too.
Camping was fun, well most of it anyways. If you took out how hot and muggy and humid it was and how i felt like i was gonna puke all night thanks to wonderful migraines and smoke it was fun. We went to the waterfalls too and that was really nice, even if i did get eaten alive by mosquitos and tree branches. And i got NO sleep, in a tent with 6 people all night even though it was quite comfy i just couldn't sleep. Sitting on the beach at 2:30 in the morning was probably the best part of the trip. The neighbors probably hate us for that but it was worth it. Then in the morning it was hell, being so hot it was we had to carry everything for 50 miles, i swear we walked to penticton then all the way back. It really didn't help that all the stuff weighed like 500 pounds. Thank god for benches.
When i got home even though i was so tired and gross i couldn't have a shower and then sleep because of the stupid cleaning lady who wouldn't shut up about how her kids are making used to make her life difficult, i just wanted to smack her on the side of the head since she NEVER left. So i finally just went into my mothers room and slept, untill i was rudely awakened, then my mother and sister made me cranky.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I"M BURNT! Me and Krystal, jessie and steph went to the water slides today and it was so fun. Before we got to the waterslides Kathy drove us to fishbaits house and now i know where it is, since my mother wouldn't drive us there last night!
It was a cheap day because ALL (well not all but mostly all) the elementary schools were there. But when they left, then it became funner, then fishbait came and it got SUPER FUN!!!!!! Ahh i still can't believe we saw him there, and he actually came!! He brought with him a REALLY hot guy. And when we went on the River Riot he was RIGHT in fornt of us, hot guy almost drown me and fishbait was gorgeous.And i got to be really close to the hot guy. There was also this little girl there named Sara that kept following us around. But back to fishbait... Nitch wasn't there hehehe and we went in the hot tub while he was there, but on the other side. It was still nice. Still can't believe he came....... ahhh

Monday, June 23, 2003

I love sleeping down stairs then i can stay up as late as I want. And that time being usually 11-12, arn't i a loser?? I just finished watching Mortal Kombat Anihilation, and i must say, IT SUCKS, i loved the first one but this one totally sucks. Tonigh i went to Bosto Pizza and almost threw up because phil was there, just joking i knew you were gonna be there phil!!! Anyways thats pretty much the excitment for my day, although i am up to chapter 7 on the new Harry Potter and i saw fishbaits car today for a split second, then by the time i looked again, he was gone. It was his car too, not Nitches,mwaahaha. Then krystal came here, we jumped on the tramp (no not Nitch, the TRAMPOLINE!) then went "for a walk" then came back home. It was splendid!

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Well today i FINALLY got my ever beloved Coldplay cd, i swear i wanted it since september but never did get around to buying it. Anyways NOW i have it!!! Today i went to the sunshine festival, but it was raining and all i got there was a bracelet and it was practically free. The dude gave me $2 extra change hehehe. Then mother picked us up and we dropped off sissy and did arrands basically. It was a fun day. I also got the new harry potter book and started reading that.