Iam back, back from my lovely vacation.
The first day, we flew to toronto. We got in at about 8 their time. Its two hours difference, and trust me, you feel it. So from the airport we just went to our hotel room. Since we hadn't had supper yet, we walked a couple blocks down the desserted street and found a chinese restaurant. It was really good and really authentic. For dessert we had fried bananas.
The next day we woke up and I went with my dad to go get the rental car. We got a little lost getting back to the hotel, but we managed to get back on the right track. Then we drove to Niagara falls, it only took about an hour.
Niagara falls is crazy! There is this one street called Clifton hill that is like las vegas but wierd! There are about 4 haunted houses, wax museums, souvinear shops, ripleys belive it or not museum, guiness book of world records museum and a ton more wierd shops. We went into the movie land wax museum, it was neat, they even had a little bit of a haunted house in it. The mirror maze freaked me out a bit. I could never do an actual haunted house. We went to the hersheys store too... mm chocolate.
The actual falls were nice too, it was nice standing close because it was so hot that day, and you got showered with mist. We saw the lights at night, and the fire works.
The next day we went to marine land. It was alright, but I think I like actual aquariums better. The only things there that were interesting were the whales and dolphins. It was so hot that day and everything was so far apart. I hate walking in hot weather. But I did get to feed and touch the belugas, that was the only cool part.
We only stayed two days in Niagara falls, then we had to drive 6 hours to sturgeon falls to the dutrisac cottages. And let me tell you, were they ever humble little aboads. One of my aunt and uncles cottages were held up by rocks... and the cottage was slanting down. Gave you seasickness just being in the room. Every day we found about 5 spiders in our room. And the water was lakewater, so every night or morning when I brushed my teeth, it felt like I had just liked a fish. The water was disgusting.
After a couple days, I think I almost wanted to kill my sister. Sometimes... she just trys to hard, and it makes her a loser, and I just couldnt stand it anymore.
My cousin britney was just as bad, give her a couple drink and I couldnt even stand to be in the same room as her. This one time the guys and britney were playing poker and she didnt even know which chip was how much, no matter how many times they told her, she always asked in her stupid little baby voice. THEN when it was her time to put some chips in, she just sat there for 10 minutes deciding which one to put in so her chips wouldnt be uneven..........
But I did learn how to say oh my god in french that week. I always saw it now.
I went to north bay three times too. Once me and all my cousins went to play mini golf, then out for lunch. We also went with EVERY body to ride the chier commanda, which is a big boat that you go on a lake tour for an hour and a half. Then the last day we went and saw Accepted.
The whole week just passed by so slowly. The beds were hard, relatives annoying.
Every night we ate in the pavilion. I cant spell how I said it in french, but it was great. All the ontario families fed us and ooooo boy did they ever, I was so full everynight but it was really good. And then someone always had a campfire with marshmallows at night.
We also took a drive to sudbury on the last day to see the Big nickel. We went to a mine and took a mine tour.... it really wasnt all that excited. We also went shopping after too and I bought some jeans.
That pretty much sums up my "camping" week.
Drove back to toronto again, but we stopped at my cousins house in huntsville for an hour, just to see thier house. Then we drove to vaughn mills which I think was the biggest mall in toronto. It was pretty big. I didnt buy myself anything, but I did get bryan nephew something from the disney store, I had to.
Then for the last day, we went to another mall, that one was big too. They had a sephora in this mall, and I spent a LITTLE too much at that store. They also had a lush. After we drove around downtown to find where the air canada center was. So we had supper and then guess what time it was. Shakira time!!!! The t shirts there were very expensive. $45!!! But of course I bought one anyways. And I also bought a bracelet which was another $15.
Then the concert was amazng. Wyclef jean opened for her, he was really good too. It was just .... wow.
Then going back home was another story. I flagged down a cab like nothing. BUUT getting to the hotel litterally took 2 hours to go 15 mile!!!!!! There was a traffic jam at 1 in the morning! And it cost me $90!!! For a freaking cab ride. But hey, I guess it was worth it!
Now Im home and bryan took me out for supper last night. I missed him a whooooole bunch.
But now I must go to work
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
so only one more FULL day of work before I leave. yipee!!! Then I have to wake up at 6, pack the rest of my shit. Drive to calgary, go to my uncles. Then he has to drive us lot to the airport and away we deport. Knowing me though, Ill probably forget my shakira tickets, or something stupd like that. Luckily though im bringing compy with me, he has the tickets saved, so that will be no problem.
I have run into a problem though, concerning my college. It doesnt have to do with any of the courses or anything. But when I go to apply for scholarships, it says that my SIN number doesnt match my name.... soooo basically ive been screwed over for the last month. I went in and talked to the lady today, but she said that she cant do anything about it because she doesnt know how. So... she has to wait till another guy comes back from holidays until she can fix it. Now.. problem is, the deadline is August 31st.. and Im getting back on the 28th and who knows when buddy is getting back. I think by the end of this week. So, the only reason im bringing compy with me ALL the way to ontario is because I need to fill out a stupid application. grr. O well.. I am going to be stuck in a cabin for a whole week doing absolutely nothing.
Besides that, I left work 2 hours early today because I was "sick"....ahhh
I have run into a problem though, concerning my college. It doesnt have to do with any of the courses or anything. But when I go to apply for scholarships, it says that my SIN number doesnt match my name.... soooo basically ive been screwed over for the last month. I went in and talked to the lady today, but she said that she cant do anything about it because she doesnt know how. So... she has to wait till another guy comes back from holidays until she can fix it. Now.. problem is, the deadline is August 31st.. and Im getting back on the 28th and who knows when buddy is getting back. I think by the end of this week. So, the only reason im bringing compy with me ALL the way to ontario is because I need to fill out a stupid application. grr. O well.. I am going to be stuck in a cabin for a whole week doing absolutely nothing.
Besides that, I left work 2 hours early today because I was "sick"....ahhh
Monday, August 07, 2006
As for the rest of my weekend. I took it off because we were originally going to go white water rafting, that was back in march/april. Then since that wasn't going to happen, we were going to go just camping for the weekend, that didnt work out either. So either way I had the weekend off to just do NOTHING, it was fabulous. Friday Bryan was working. I had to wake up at aout 8 and go over to my grandmas to make pickles with my parents. My mom has a new job now, so she wasnt there, it was just me, my dad and my grandma. My mom works at dollar giant now.... dont ask me why, but youd think that after 8 years of being in a dollar store business you would be sick of it, not going back to work in one part time. She's quitting tomorrow though because they suck and are understaffed. So anyways, I smelled like garlic and pickles for the next couple days. Friday my dad took me and my sister around looking for laptops, it was fabulous. My "best friend" Ron helped me pick out this one... either than that it was good. He was being all chumy with my dad... it was kinda awkward and all, mainly because hes just plain creepy.
Saturday morning I took bryan in for his other blood test. The diagnostic clinic wouldnt do it though, so we had to go all the way to the hospital. And there we found his stepdad and later his mom and aunt and grandpa. His grandmas back in the hospital, but this time its for gall stones.
We got our haircuts together on saturday too, mine looks fabulous. But when she finished cutting it, she didnt dry it or put any product in it whatsoever. So basically when I got out to the parking lot, I looked like I had just been electrocuted. great! I had to run to shoppers after that and buy myself some hair stuff. Then we went to his grandmas house for a bbq. Trent was there and he told us all about his little adventure in australia, it was good information. He even said that he would give us his phone that he bought there, cause it doesnt work here at all. Saturday night we had a little party at bryans place, it was alright, all we really ended up doing was watching south park and movies, drinking and alan puking off the balcony..... and having that stink for the last couple days. Irish creme and pizza really doesnt go well together when its puked up and sitting by the walkway to your apartment.
Sunday I bought my baby :) It took a little while to get it organized and such, but I now even have reception in bryans house. yay!
Saturday morning I took bryan in for his other blood test. The diagnostic clinic wouldnt do it though, so we had to go all the way to the hospital. And there we found his stepdad and later his mom and aunt and grandpa. His grandmas back in the hospital, but this time its for gall stones.
We got our haircuts together on saturday too, mine looks fabulous. But when she finished cutting it, she didnt dry it or put any product in it whatsoever. So basically when I got out to the parking lot, I looked like I had just been electrocuted. great! I had to run to shoppers after that and buy myself some hair stuff. Then we went to his grandmas house for a bbq. Trent was there and he told us all about his little adventure in australia, it was good information. He even said that he would give us his phone that he bought there, cause it doesnt work here at all. Saturday night we had a little party at bryans place, it was alright, all we really ended up doing was watching south park and movies, drinking and alan puking off the balcony..... and having that stink for the last couple days. Irish creme and pizza really doesnt go well together when its puked up and sitting by the walkway to your apartment.
Sunday I bought my baby :) It took a little while to get it organized and such, but I now even have reception in bryans house. yay!
Today, was a very good day, In fact, its been a very good weekend....kinda. Its only been a good weekend cause this morning I got my laptop!! Yes thats right, yours truly has jumped on the bandwagon and sailed away to get herself a laptop. My parents said they would buy me it, but this is how its going to go. I have to buy it, and then they will slowly pay me back, which im sure will happen very slowly, if at all. But who cares, I have a laptop. I also have some very good other news. I have $1500 in scholarships!! Plus right now, im going to try and find some more over the internet that I can fill out. More money for australia baby.
But for now, I bid thee farewell and I will give you more of an update on my weekend later.
Its my half birthday today too, happy 18 and a half to me
But for now, I bid thee farewell and I will give you more of an update on my weekend later.
Its my half birthday today too, happy 18 and a half to me
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
In niagara falls ontario......
I think I have the best boyfriend in the world. Yesterday I had to work from 6 to 10. As soon as I got into work I got the most horrible migraine in the world. I honestly thought I was going puke more than once. I couldnt just leave either last night because my boss gave me this whole talk the other day about how I always leave early and im always sick and if it happens a lot more than hes going to write me up. I was about ready to quit when he was giving me this talk, cause hes an asshole with horrible hair. Anyways, I wasnt going to leave. So I tried calling bryan but there was no answer for the five times I called him. So I left him a message asking him if he could bring me my migraine medication from my other purse in my room. 15 minutes later guess who shows up with my migraine pills, motrin AND a bottle of water. Then he hugged me and kissed my head in the middle of the store, and I was happy.

Yesterday before work me, my sister and my mom all went shopping and they both bought me something, mwhaha. My mom bought me the sexiest shirt in the world. Its like a poncho, but not really, its just really lose and flowy and black, its hot!
My sister also bought me a white shirt with a lacy bottom, goes excellent with my new jacket.
oooo I was watching tv this morning and I saw a marineland commercial and started jumping up and down..... Im a little excited needless to say. 14 days till I leave.
Yesterday before work me, my sister and my mom all went shopping and they both bought me something, mwhaha. My mom bought me the sexiest shirt in the world. Its like a poncho, but not really, its just really lose and flowy and black, its hot!
My sister also bought me a white shirt with a lacy bottom, goes excellent with my new jacket.
oooo I was watching tv this morning and I saw a marineland commercial and started jumping up and down..... Im a little excited needless to say. 14 days till I leave.