Friday I was supposed to work at 11. I came in and I knew right away things were shit. Not in a sense that I would be another chicken running around with its head cut off, no, it was boring. I did the ad check like I was supposed to then I went back and.... did nothing. So then I asked sharla if I could just go home and come back when there is actually something to do. So I told bryan to come pick me up and within second him and amaya were there to pick me up, it was brilliant. Then we just went back to bryans, and since I was fresh from work I put on his corona shirt from mexico and his bunny boxers, classy. Then we had a disscussion about grapes. Then amaya had to work so me and bryan watched 28 days later. I hate zombie movies, but this was the least gorry or dramatic that I've ever seen, which made it not to bad in a good movie sense. Then collette called me and I didnt have to go back to work that night, so that made me happy. I even danced a little.

The only good thing about saturday was the fact that I bought another season of sex and the city. Ive decided im collecting them now, then after that, Gilmore girls. Saturday I also bought my mother a presesnt. And since bryan was getting a new bed, we went bed shopping!! $260 later he has a new duvet, duvet cover and yes you see this right 400 thread count cotten sateen sheets. OOO there nice.
We went to the corona on saturday night too, I danced with amaya, bryan played pool all night. But they did play my song however, TWICE.
Sunday, I was cranky, pms and all, but at night we had a bbq with all my family and it was gosh darn delightful. Even molly and maggie enjoyed themselves.
And then today at work I had more chest pains, K, I think its a heart condition like you had. It feels like when you hiccup really hard, but then it stays like that for an hour or a half.