Thursday, March 30, 2006
The other day my boss needed updated information like address, phone, and he even wanted my email so I had to give it to him and all, but after I gave him the piece of paper I wrote it on hes all like "Hey you have hotmail, do you have msn, I should add you to mine, but then you'd know my address" He was being all creepy about it, not that thats any different from the other 7 hours a day that I see him. That day was extra creepy, he wore a pink shirt and kept telling me that NO I wasnt having a bad day, like it matters to him...... god. Then the day after that some wierd person with a wierd email adds me.... Im crossing my fingers and hoping to god that its not my boss. I just hope its another stalker that got my email off of here or something, or else I just might have to move and change names and enter some protection program against creepy bosses. Other than that things havnt been to good, not that thats good, but they're not better. Bryans dad had a heart attack on tuesday. So from now on me and bryan are eating healthy! Except for the donuts I had today... and yesterday. So much for my hypoglycemic diet too. Im a sucker for sugar, im so bad at restricting myself. His dads going to be fine though, it was only minor and he just has to stay in the hospital for a week just for caution.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
two things
So I went to the doctors yesterday, it was kinda a waste of my time and more impotantly and obviously a waste of the doctors time. It wasnt my regular doctor, it was his fill in, the one who didnt help me a bit when I was dying last time. I already knew he wasnt going to do a thing when I went in. When I told him what was wrong with me, a whole 5 minutes of my time telling him what was wrong with me all he heard was 'migraine' so all he did was ship me out the door with migraine pills.... he told me it was caused by hypoglycemia but did he tell me what to do about it? no, all he told me was, if im addicted to coffee i should still drink it at regular intervals..... god, I almost told him to shove the pills up his ass and go back to community college and take something were it doesnt involve thinking cause hes really not to good at it. I even asked him if I could get a blood test done at the clinic, he told me I dont need one and it wouldnt tell me anything. argh.

But I guess the pills did come in handy, I had to use one the same night that how bad and frequent they are, I went to bed at 9 right after work because of it. The pills are $20 each which is going to hurt.
Im started a hypoglycemic diet and unofficially pronouncing myself hypoglycemic. So in three months when it works im going to be happy, and never go back to that doctor again, cause he sucks.
But I guess the pills did come in handy, I had to use one the same night that how bad and frequent they are, I went to bed at 9 right after work because of it. The pills are $20 each which is going to hurt.
Im started a hypoglycemic diet and unofficially pronouncing myself hypoglycemic. So in three months when it works im going to be happy, and never go back to that doctor again, cause he sucks.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
friday im in love
FRIDAY really wasnt a whole big deal, i mean i wanted it to be and all donsidering that it was st. patricks day and everything, but honestly it kinda sucked. We really didnt do a whole lot... we sat around, slept and went over to bryans sisters house to see what was happening to her fish cause they were all dying. That took up all day, but we got chinese food out of it. Then we went to the mall because we were originally going to see the trailer park boys show at the college, but it was sold out. When we got to the mall though there was a kid selling his tickets cause he would rather go to the punk show. So instead of paying $25 for each ticket, we payed $20 for both, we were pretty proud and happy. Dave and Kyle were going to that too, so we phoned them and met them at the subway and we all went and had a grand ol'time drinkind screwdrivers... actually that was only me.
After that we went to ezzies, it was dead, so we went to the silver buckle but it sucked because there was no one there that we knew, so we went back to ezzies for about 20 minutes. It really sucked, I didnt want to drink a whole bunch that night, but I at least wanted green beer which I never got :(
Saturday bryans mom was in town so... we went to the meat draw at the legion again. Its actually kinda boring, we just sit there for 4 hours doing nothing but drinking. And I wasnt even drinking, I had 7 ups and thats it, cause I didnt feel very good.
We went to firewall that night though with his aunt, cousin, sister and mom. Bryan said hes never going to the movies with 5 girls again, it was great. And besides breakfast this morning at his grandmas house, that just about sums up my weekend.
But I am going to the doctors something this week I think, I really dont feel good, its not just because I dont feel good though, ive been eating junk food and drinking all weekend its just cause im unhealthy at the moment. What im going to the doctors for is the fact that everytime I dont eat for over an hour, I either feel extreamly faint or I get a migraine so bad that it makes me throw up, its happened twice in the last month and im getting worried. I hate feeling like theres something wrong with me.
Saturday bryans mom was in town so... we went to the meat draw at the legion again. Its actually kinda boring, we just sit there for 4 hours doing nothing but drinking. And I wasnt even drinking, I had 7 ups and thats it, cause I didnt feel very good.
We went to firewall that night though with his aunt, cousin, sister and mom. Bryan said hes never going to the movies with 5 girls again, it was great. And besides breakfast this morning at his grandmas house, that just about sums up my weekend.
But I am going to the doctors something this week I think, I really dont feel good, its not just because I dont feel good though, ive been eating junk food and drinking all weekend its just cause im unhealthy at the moment. What im going to the doctors for is the fact that everytime I dont eat for over an hour, I either feel extreamly faint or I get a migraine so bad that it makes me throw up, its happened twice in the last month and im getting worried. I hate feeling like theres something wrong with me.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Revolving backwards
Last night was super fun, well yesterday was fun. Excpet for the whole work part of course. 7 hours of doing nothing, again, but enough of that. After work my parents came and picked me up and I made them take me to tim hortons for a donut and coffe and can you belive it, they were all out of french vanilla, the whole city was. Stupid old people and their cheap ways of rolling up the rim. "Hey george, hehe maybe if I win that grill we can have a floor barbecue and I can invite the hot young lady that gives me baths...." god, give it up, your going to die, you dont need a car or a plasma tv or whatever else you can win. Maybe thier just cheap and want a free coffee or doughnut. 
Anyways... enough of the hating of old people. After tim hortons we picked up my sister and went to the pet store. My dad stepped on the dog that hangs out in the door way, its an old bull dog and it was kinda funny me and my sister laughed and then looked at bones. I had to go to my grandparents house for supper. We had "poor mans lobster" which is just boiled fish dipped in butter. For god sakes if you want lobster just buy it and stop being so cheap. At least we had steak with it and not "poor mans steak" aka pork chops....
Then at about 11, after waiting an hour, almost falling asleep amaya came and picked me up and we went to gringos. There were lots of people there that I knew so it was fun, I hung out with mike and danny a lot and we dancing and it was a fabulous evening.
Anyways... enough of the hating of old people. After tim hortons we picked up my sister and went to the pet store. My dad stepped on the dog that hangs out in the door way, its an old bull dog and it was kinda funny me and my sister laughed and then looked at bones. I had to go to my grandparents house for supper. We had "poor mans lobster" which is just boiled fish dipped in butter. For god sakes if you want lobster just buy it and stop being so cheap. At least we had steak with it and not "poor mans steak" aka pork chops....
Then at about 11, after waiting an hour, almost falling asleep amaya came and picked me up and we went to gringos. There were lots of people there that I knew so it was fun, I hung out with mike and danny a lot and we dancing and it was a fabulous evening.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Mardi gras
So on saturday we hit up mardigras night. Bryan didnt want to go at first, well he was actually quite upset that I dragged him there, but he had fun and so did I. I didnt see any boobs though, and I didnt flash mine.
Bryan saw some, not by giving anyone beads, just by accident. Everyone else saw some, o well. Friday night I didnt do a whole lot because I had to work at 6 in the freaking morning on saturday. I also had to work sunday. BUT I took next weekend off which is going to rock considering its St. Patricks day. Im planning to be drunk the whole day, and hopefully not get run over.
I saw failure to launch last night too. It was surprisingly randomly very good, I liked it a lot.
I saw failure to launch last night too. It was surprisingly randomly very good, I liked it a lot.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
.... why do I bother
I did start writing somewhere about my weekend, but it doesnt really matter now. It doesnt matter because Im mad. I had a lovely weekend and all, heck it was the funnest weekend ive had in a while. But now its all gone to the dogs.... blah just like always. Why cant anything ever work out. I had it perfect I thought that just once, it would be all find and dandy. No... that was just a stupid little headfuck idea. As always.
Whatever. I guess I should learn now not to trust anybody. There are maybe three people in this world I can truley trust and thats it. Considering how many people I know, Id say that were a bit sad. But I guess theres absolutly nothing I can do.
I also hate old people. Seriously, after a certain age that you get to old to walk, talk, listen or learn how to figure things out for yourself, just do us all a favor and die. I hate them, I work with them all day long, they stand in my way, cant hear me so I have to repeat myself five times Or what really pisses me off is when I tell them something and they think im too young or stupid to be right and they go off and ask my supervisor who is a few feet away. Jesus christ. Also, to the little janitor man who must have little man syndrom or something. PLEASE STOP TELLING ME HOW TO DO MY FUCKING JOB. I KNOW where to put the plastics and I KNOW where to put cardboard. I dont tell you how to clean something so please just leave me alone.
I need sleep, or maybe some strong drugs to knock me out..... fuck.
Whatever. I guess I should learn now not to trust anybody. There are maybe three people in this world I can truley trust and thats it. Considering how many people I know, Id say that were a bit sad. But I guess theres absolutly nothing I can do.
I also hate old people. Seriously, after a certain age that you get to old to walk, talk, listen or learn how to figure things out for yourself, just do us all a favor and die. I hate them, I work with them all day long, they stand in my way, cant hear me so I have to repeat myself five times Or what really pisses me off is when I tell them something and they think im too young or stupid to be right and they go off and ask my supervisor who is a few feet away. Jesus christ. Also, to the little janitor man who must have little man syndrom or something. PLEASE STOP TELLING ME HOW TO DO MY FUCKING JOB. I KNOW where to put the plastics and I KNOW where to put cardboard. I dont tell you how to clean something so please just leave me alone.
I need sleep, or maybe some strong drugs to knock me out..... fuck.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Just dreams
I've come up with something, over my long day at work friday, 9 whole hours, I had a epiphany of somesort. So in recognition, ive composed a mix, well Ives started one anyways. I shall call it, the mix of the patio furniture.... Here goes

- You can call me al, Paul Simon
- Patio lanterns, Kim mitchell
- Land down under, Men at work
- Could you be loved, Bob marley
- Do you really want to hurt me, Culture club
- Burning down the house, Talking heads
- Every little thing she does is magic, The police
So far that is all I have, there is trouble on the waterfront, but I will expain ALL later, maybe. I had a really fun weekend.
- You can call me al, Paul Simon
- Patio lanterns, Kim mitchell
- Land down under, Men at work
- Could you be loved, Bob marley
- Do you really want to hurt me, Culture club
- Burning down the house, Talking heads
- Every little thing she does is magic, The police
So far that is all I have, there is trouble on the waterfront, but I will expain ALL later, maybe. I had a really fun weekend.