Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Today has been a good day. I will be starting off the new year with nice hair at least. I had a really long shower this morning and now my hair is nice and not frizzy. All day ive just been laying around and watching movies. Im watching The Ring right now, Adam Brody is in it mwhahahaha it has to be my favorite scary movie of all time!!! I want to see the japanese version of it. Birthday idea........ Tonight we are going out to Kelly O'Bryans for dinner. Which remindes me, i need a gym membership, lucky krystal already has one. Whenever i ask my parents if i can get one they ALWAYS say,"go run around outside,its cheaper."

New Years Resolutions:
-Lose 10-20 pounds
-Go somewhere nice
-Get a boyfriend haha ha HA
-learn something new
-stop worrying so much

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Today i went shopping with ebbster, we saw Danielle at the mall today and talked to her for a bit, it was fun. I bought a shirt and pants and hair dye, mwhahahaha Now i actually have somewhat plans for tomorrow night, can't wait. It'll at least be better than watching a movie like i did last year and the year before. I need to work on my sketchbook somemore. Theres only a month left and i'm only half way done. Man, i suck.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Guess who's birthday it is today!!!????? Gutterboy's. So whatever you do, DO NOT do any celebrating of any sort, or i may have to kill you!!!!!
For my birthday, i want a pet cactus!!!!
I think im gonna cut my hair really really really short again, like it was when i first got it cut last year. I just came up with this though, im not to sure if im gonna go through with it or not.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

I have a question, why on earth are they having yet another American Idol. Seriously that show really sucks. I admit i did like the first one, but thats only because they had the slightest amount of talent. The next one was crappy. They went through all the talent in the first one and were left with crap for the second one. Kelly Clarkson is a great singer, they actually found some kind of singing talent with her. But clay aiken and Ruben are really lacking. It would be better if they wrote they're own music or had some kind of musical talent instead of "they can sing." anyone can sing. Clay Aikens new song is really lame, he didn't even win and he has a cd out. Nobodys heard anything more of Justin Guarini. That show is pointless. Now with a third one i can just imagine who will win that one......... For anyone who watched World Idol, i hope the guy from Norway who sounds like Bono wins, i like him. He looks like a hobbit.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

My perfect guy:
-he'll haveblonde or black hair
-he'll be very funny and cute
-he'll be random, but not in a chantelle emery way, more like a ryan way
-he'll like the same music as i do
-he MUST like mortal kombat
-he'll have a hobby, but doesn't care ONLY about it
-he'll like going to dances, because he thinks they are fun
-he'll sing to me, even if he might suck
-he'll enjoy going to poker nights with me, krystal and her perfect man, and ebbie if she would like to join
-he'll like shopping in novelty stores
-he would ditch his friends to be with me
-he'll watch amelie with me at least once
-he'll have loser radar!!!!!!!
-he wont think im a loser for liking Mariah Carey
-he'll be able to tell me how he feels
I now have a total of 4 dvd's!!! we went shopping today and got soem for cheap at Rogers video. I also went to the mall, i only bought pants though and i still have $70 burning a hole in my pocket. i need to spend it!! However we need to decide or find out what "others" are doing for new years........... we should have a movie nigth soon

Friday, December 26, 2003

Ahh boxing day madness........ so after i told my parents no later than 11 are we leaving the house, when do we leave...?? around 12. So we went to kelowna and o my goodness it was mad. you could barely even walk. so basically by the time we got there, all the good stuff was already gone. I did manage to get a shirt though, it wasn't on sale, possibly why it was still there. We finally got a dvd player today though, after looking all over kelowna, we came back to vernon and got one from future shop. And i got to watch charlies angels again tonight :) tomorrow we are going shopping again heheh see what kind of good stuff we can find in vernon.......

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Santa clause brought me a lamp and its super cool. Along with $50, hehehehe. last night i also got pajamas, a hat, calendar, art set and a shirt. it sooooo nice. boxing day shopping tomorrow though will be mad. hopefully though we get to go to kelowna and shop there since they have an AE and since they are expensive it would be best if i shop there on boxing day!!! if we get a dvd player here though we have no need to go to kelowna which kinda sucks. o well just as long as i get pants i will be happy.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

I love Christmas, I love Christmas, lalalalalala Well.... last night i slept over at ebbies house and had a gay ol'time we watched Charlies Angels and *whimper* Gone with the wind. Lets just say i enjoyed gone with the wind, but it was SO long!!!!! Good story though i must admit. no chuck calling happened though. Then when i got home i did nothing but veg and have a bath until my parents came home. So we went out for supper to The Pantry. And yes we are a little weird and we opened our presents tonight, i got so much cool stuff. In fact i'm listening to Fefe Dobson right now. I got her Cd. Along with earphones which im also using. Hmm i wonder what santa got me...... I got a gift card from my cousin, so that means super boxing day shopping!!! hehehe
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I slept over at kylies last night......... now iam home. i didn't feel like going shopping with them and i had already seen the lotr so i came home. Tonight however i am possibly going over to ebbies to have a movie night before christmas so i can watch my charlies angels.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

I want to know what my cousin got me for christmas, and my aunt. grr i want to open them all right now. tomorrow i also get to see Lotr, i cant wait.
AHH first day off if school and all i did was sit around and do nothing i'm so proud of myself!! Well i did go to the super store so really i didn't do absolutely nothing. Guess who i saw today, my future husband, who was with his family,lol. It was Mr.Bertram, he was at the super store. We bought Herring mmmmmmm. O and also this morning i kinda was a loser and opened some of my presents to see what they were and then very sneakily taped them all back together and lets just say, Merry Christmas!!!! Tomorrow i get to go last minute shopping with my dad for my mom. I'm not allowed to spend the $50 i got from my grandma though because i have to wait until boxing day so i'll get "twice as much stuff because it'll be all half price" But the thing with that is, i'll have to kill forty times as many people to get what i want and then wait in line for 6 hours trying to try it on and then pay for it. We get to go to kelowna on boxing day too, that will be even more fun since there are twice as many people there than here. It won't be fun.

Friday, December 19, 2003

Today i felt so special getting presents from everyone, i even got one from Kathy!! I got the Love Actually soundtrack from her, hehehe i LOVE that movie. In fact i think its my new favorite movie. AND i got "Lassie" aka Charlies Angels from krystal and a really cool photo album from ebbie along with chocolates. Today was so much fun. Although we did get ripped off of the Grinch, we only got to watch the last 5 minutes of it. Watching Winston hump Thomas SO was not worth losing the grinch, even if it was rather amusing, HIGHLY amusing. Today in Chemistry we got to do glass bending, for bonus marks we had to make a Z/N and krystal was the best at it i must say.......... then in Japanese Mr. Yamaoka was rather kind, kinder than usual which almost made me wonder!? We got to watch Finding Nemo.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

EAK Christmas feels like its here!! last day of school tomorrow i really can't wait it's gonna be so much fun!!! I went to the mall after school today to get a couple of things and get sisters hair cut. the bus was soo full from people from our school. And the guys that were behind me and my sister, well besides the fact that they were hot, they were talking about medicine hat. that automatically makes them cool. I cant wait to give people they're gift tomorrow. All my presents are now under the tree since dad came back today, hes here until he find another job. 6 more days!!!!!! I got this really big heavy one from my grandma and my dad said that its expensive and i'll never guess what it is.........ooooooooo i hate this!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!! Guess who was at the school today!!! MR Robb, aka Fishbait, oooooooo and hes soooo much gorgeouser now that hes been away for 6 months. It was sooo good to see him again, i can't believe he came back for a visit. He bought new clothes too, better than the jeans he had before, BAD memories!! anyways instead of watching the SPAM sculptures today in the gym i just sat in there watching him, with the odd glance of kenny of course. O it was just such a perfect day. Now if only we could skip tomorrow and move right along to friday and the weekend!
hehehe the diagram needs reaquasting still, i forgot one thing!!! im at school and we have relaxation time on a wednesday this week because we dont have class on friday because of the grinch. I can't wait to see that again this year. I want to give people they're presents, and i want my presents............. i want friday to come because i dont like school. I got Jelly Belly's from Jen yesterday and they were really good, of course i didn't eat them all yet, i brought them to school again today so i can eat somemore. YAY krystal got her N today, we need to hold a celebration!!! Hehehe she can drive me home now mwahahaha yesterday my mother was being really mean to me. I didn't share my fudge with her, so she called me selfish and said she hopes i gain 20 pounds, grrrrrrrr I dont want to go to school tomorrow, two japanese tests, i think im gonna die!!! But in order to relieve my stress i get to paint next block.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I got rather bored
The new Spider man movie is coming out in July, i can't wait. Heres the new Trailer

Monday, December 15, 2003

i think im going slighly mad!!!!!!! AND my tumor has grown 8 cetimeters, pretty soon it'll start to pop out of my head, then i will be labeled a freak, or more of for that matter. So then my tumor will just grow more, i do say this is a very vicious circle. You can all tell that ive had a very stressful day. NOT all i did today was sing and hum and run around jumping off walls and eat fudge, which was the cause of all this!! Kylie gave us our christmas presents early so we all ate the fudge and chocolate she gave us all day. I was sooo hyper. I cant wait, i cant wait only 4 more days until christmas vacation. I bougth alekes a secret santa today too, i have to buy my sister one tomorrow and maybe other people..... hehehehe i should give one to kenny and sign it georgie, he'll never know its from me! The chem test we had the other day, well we got our results back and lets just say i didn't do as well as hoped. but o well it's soon to be christmas and im too hyper to worry about my marks.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Doesn't it just suck when you have those perfect moments in your life and then all of a sudden without even realizing how fast the time is going, they are gone. Everything just goes perfect for a minute or even a day then a day later they will never be like that again, EVER. I would give anything to have some moments back. Sometimes you dont even realize they are perfect until after they are over with, then you want to rewind the time. you want to be back where you were, what you were doing or listenin to, because it will never be the same again. It kinda sucks how you can never reclaim that moment.
I bought everyones christmas presents today, well the rest i had to but for anyways. So now i'am officially done. It's a good thing too since we are all exchanging them this friday, oooooo i cant wait, i can't wait. The last day of school only 5 days away!!!!!!!!!!ahhh i love christmas!!!!! I want to go to medicine hat though... o well, next time. Even though I spent a month there this summer i still havn't had enough of it, or my grandma for that matter, lol.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Our christmas cookies and possibly a crafts day today was great, although we didn't make a craft. We made sugar cookies and nobody has eaten krystals elephant family yet, lol. Santa looked like osama bin laden though, so we ate him, he was also chuck. Then we went to the movies, krystal was dieing the whole time though. her and her poor eyes.... maybe its's from looking at chuck so much. I must say though that gothika is the creepiest movie i have seen this year, its soo scary. 14A hahaha yea right. Love Actually was really good, i've already decided that i'm buying it when it comes out on dvd. And looney Tunes was only ok, it was decent to only watch once.

Friday, December 12, 2003

I cant wait until tomorrow, it's our Christmas cookies and possibly a crafts day. we're also gonna be writing our letters to santa.... ahhhh i love christmas. It seems today that my tumor is back. Krystal is the cause of it, lol..................... but shes not the only reason i'm dieing!!! I have a HUGE test next in chemistry, i dont want to go, but the thing is i only half know what i'm doing.

Make tea not love, hahhahaha

Thursday, December 11, 2003

The dance last night was a lot of fun. There wasnt many people there though which kinda sucked. Mwhahahahah guess who danced with pretty's brother aka conrad TWICE, yes all that is right, it was me, i danced with him twice. The first time i asked him and then 2 songs later he asked me, it was soo much fun. But he did swear a lot which kinda got annoying. Anyways todays friday, but there wont be any subway and a movie today. But i do get relaxation time. on thursday after school we went to art knapp and we went to go get our tree. the only reason i like that place is becasue its so christmasy and it had free hot apple cider. then we came home and decorated it, there is only 18 more days until christmas. Its 6 o clock right now, i decided to get up early to watch michelle branch on the todays show. so i must go watch it..

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Well so much for going and cutting down a tree this year, talk about depressing!!! Since my sister has a band concert tonight that we all MUST attend, we dont have time to go out to cut down the tree. My computers broken again, its a good thing it didn't die a while ago though, since my dad is here again and he can fix it. Today the CC was being extreamly annoying during art, im suprised i actually didn't kill her this weekend!! During lunch today all krystal, jen and I did was sit in this computer class to make up 0's we missed when we were away or sick or something. O well christmas cookies will make my day all better again, AND HEHEH i live on the non loser side of the mountain!!!!

Monday, December 08, 2003

I'm back, as it is apparent to all of you. So now i will tell you all about my weekend in surrey. We were supposed to leave right at lunch 11, we ended up leaving at 2. So we got there at about 6 or 7. Then Ben was playing at a bar aka "lounge" and Josh was going to be there also, so we went. We sat with all of Josh's relatives and it was really fun. Josh's grandpa was drunk and so were a bunch of people who were really entertaining to watch dancing. We got back and watched the Avengers. Saturday was all went to Guildford mall for a while until the movie was going to start, then we walked over to the silvercity. Then since no one could pick us up after the movie we went back to the mall for a bit. Saturday night me and kylie went to watch Ben play hockey and i got to kinda meet Berend, my life is now complete. Then On Sunday we left at 12 after church. It was a fun weekend. There was a small problem though i like him too much. I was too nervous to just be myself.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

This is a rant. Don't you just hate those people who think they know EVERYTHING. Like the way you are, they reason you do things, the reason you are the way you are. Uh i have news for you YOU DONT!!!!!!!! you have no idea why i do the things i do, so don't even bother trying to understand. They frickin piss me off SOOO incredibly much, because you think YOU would know why things are the way they are with you. But then when you say something or whatever, they don't believe you, cause THEY'RE RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG! sometimes you can't even tell people why or why not. You shouldn't even have to, people have things they would like to keep to themselves, they don't have to tell you EVERYTHING, just because you frickin want to know. People should just mind they're own business, but no unfourtunatley they don't. Instead they want to make your life miserable. Lets just say i wish more than anything that things could go back to how they were last year. I liked LAST december A WHOLE BUNCH more!!!!!!! I think i better go drink water.......

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ahhh its december....... Thats means that chrsitmas is coming!!!!!! Yesterday i opened the first chocolate of my advent calendar, it was quite sad to be honest. Anyways yesterday i got to use the pottery wheel in art and i must say that i'am a pro. hahah not, but i did manage to make a vase or bowl or something, its kinda warped whatever it is.